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World trade in Guardian, Healers update and future new server pve

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Will World Trade Post from Guardian server work with Blackbird and Elcadia servers?
Will a new PVE server be launched in the future?
Is there any estimate of when the SH and Orc Mage mana nerf will arrive?
Where does Lcoin drop?
About the update that healers received, do you know if the Holy Burst update will be kept for those who have already read the skill, or will we have to learn a new one? About how the skill works, is there an interval for it to activate or will it be something like the prophet who with Essential Energy starts attacking in the area?

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16 hours ago, DefenselessMascor said:

Will World Trade Post from Guardian server work with Blackbird and Elcadia servers?

Probably not, Blackbird and Elcadia are near 3 yo servers, and they have items and an incredible amount of l-coin and Adena stocked, it could break the fragile Guardian economy. Also, they have abundance of items like Baium Talisman, Dolls 3  , Ice Weapon +5 + Boss Weapons +7 +, Protection Armors,  etc.

If it happens probably will be in 2 years or more.


16 hours ago, DefenselessMascor said:

Will a new PVE server be launched in the future?

I think it's too late for that, they should launch at least two PVE servers, so ppl would not be so focused on internal PvP (server against the server). To give you some context, the actual essence design is based on Korean servers, there exist 15 essence servers (not sure how many boxes they could open) but all pvp happens on world instance zones, and only lowbies pvp happens inside the server because ppl need to keep farming going on inside their servers to become stronger than other servers.

16 hours ago, DefenselessMascor said:

Is there any estimate of when the SH and Orc Mage mana nerf will arrive?

They are already nerfed, but with 3-star box given for free, it doesn't make much difference.


16 hours ago, DefenselessMascor said:

Where does Lcoin drop?

L-coin is only possible to be "dropped" from epic bosses and your wallet.

To make l-coin from epic bosses you will need to acquire the boss expedition mark, which is rewarded to ppl who land the last hit on it and gives you 1% chance to craft 8 l-coin.



16 hours ago, DefenselessMascor said:

About the update that healers received, do you know if the Holy Burst update will be kept for those who have already read the skill, or will we have to learn a new one? About how the skill works, is there an interval for it to activate or will it be something like the prophet who with Essential Energy starts attacking in the area?

They probably will merge this update as they did with the Assassin update here (immortal weapon + Assassin)  https://lineage2.plaync.com/history/index

We probably will receive Shine Maker (live) + DEATHKNIGHT II (https://lineage2.plaync.com/update/history/2023/230412_update)  but this healer update is on dev "sneak peaks" that is a preview from upcoming updates. 




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