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Wynn summoner buffs bug


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Hello. The wynn summoner are not getting all the time the master buffs. Sometimes they get it and they are stronger. They have 160.000 health at lv 105. But most of the times they are not getting any buffs. This makes them altmost useless since their defense is laughable. 

Old pets where stronger on defense then these new ones.. You shouls guys check this thing out. 

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On 10/12/2023 at 11:06 PM, Equadym said:

Ok, i understand that. But they must do something because the new updated servitors are too weak.. Low defense, health, not even going to survive against monsters.. I have to spam all time heal, wich it has a very long delay.. They are 2-3 shots from a monster.. They have very long time to despawn, until you can rise a new one.. 

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On 10/13/2023 at 7:11 PM, HeTech said:

Ok, i understand that. But they must do something because the new updated servitors are too weak.. Low defense, health, not even going to survive against monsters.. I have to spam all time heal, wich it has a very long delay.. They are 2-3 shots from a monster.. They have very long time to despawn, until you can rise a new one.. 

The WYNN class has the worst luck:

Goddess of Destruction(introduced Awakening) they had 3 summons with thoughts they might get a 4th... Nerfed to 2 summons, which later got Nerfed themselves.

And then the summons loose Stats(or never get them) from New or changed Skills/Items/Buffs.

And then WYNNs start to loose Summons... I still miss my Cute Bears(The PK WYNNs liked the Cougars, AFAIK there was a 3rd ranged one but I can't remember it)

Nerf Nerf Nerf

Nerf Nerf



Now to try and bring balance to the Class, they try a complete re-write... from PAtk to MAtk, this kind of Alpha Testing used to be done on a Test Server by Company Employees. Beta Testing (Open/Closed) is when public helps find the quirkier Bugs... If we still have most of the obvious Bugs, will we even notice the quirky ones?

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