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Shield Questions


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1 hour ago, LoanWolf said:

Question about Shields.  Just bought a new shield and it seems that the Physical defence doesn’t get added to my Physical Defence on my char stat sheet.  Is this normal?

The P.def value written on the shield is supposed to be added to your shield P.def stat which is not shown in the stat window ... It's a stat value, but it's not shown ... It's not normal P.def increase ..

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1 hour ago, Limerence said:

The P.def value written on the shield is supposed to be added to your shield P.def stat which is not shown in the stat window ... It's a stat value, but it's not shown ... It's not normal P.def increase ..

So I should have posted this in classic since thats the version Im playing.  But question on this.  Say my pdef on my shield is 100.  Is that constantly added or only 20% of the time when my shield is used?

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