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Which Dev really hates orcs ? <.<


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So ummm im pretty sure the mob named :Goblin Tomb Raider Leader at the orc starting area is pretty bugged.. its got like a million h,. maybe not a millian but srsly u could kill a fkin raid in the same amount of time as killing 1 takes. Also its one of the mobs for the main quest >.< 

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2 hours ago, Pevv said:

So ummm im pretty sure the mob named :Goblin Tomb Raider Leader at the orc starting area is pretty bugged.. its got like a million h,. maybe not a millian but srsly u could kill a fkin raid in the same amount of time as killing 1 takes. Also its one of the mobs for the main quest >.< 

but also deal like 7 dmg per hit 

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The problem isn't actually that the mob is bugged.   It was actually one of the easiest mobs in the quest chain for my Destroyer in training.  The problem is when I attempted to do this quest on my warcryer in training.  Ouch.   The big difference between every other race and Orcs is that The Fighters are great even super powered fighters.   So they design the mobs accordingly.  Unlike all the other races, where buffers start out as plain mages, and have all nukes to lvl 20.  Orc Mages get nothing.  They are just as weak, if not weaker melee fighters than other races mages, and they have no nukes.  Only attack they have worth anything is the flame DOT.  And that skill isn't enough for those mobs.  The only way I was able to finish off the quest on my mage was to take it down to about 95% with my destroyer, then stand there letting the mob hit my destroyer, and let my mage take down the last 5%.  Even then it wasn't pretty.  


Orc mages need some sort of attack skill if they want any chance of doing that quest.  Maybe they need to split the quest so Fighters and Mages have different mobs to kill.    

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