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PLZ free the queue time in l2


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i want to report a issue about log in time!( well that was my 1st thought but after i understand) 

plz free the queue time from classic server!!, do not force us to buy a VIP (a.k.a purchase) to log in faster that normal account's 

let us to decide when we want to make a VIP account ! it is same! to force us... you don't take enough money already? and we spend 30-40 min to log in!!.

COME ON NCsoft do something better than this!

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3 minutes ago, Nikoxro said:

i want to report a issue about log in time!( well that was my 1st thought but after i understand) 

plz free the queue time from classic server!!, do not force us to buy a VIP (a.k.a purchase) to log in faster that normal account's 

let us to decide when we want to make a VIP account ! it is same! to force us... you don't take enough money already? and we spend 30-40 min to log in!!.

COME ON NCsoft do something better than this!

30-40 min? lucky, currently waiting for almost 2 hours and still 150 in the queue (started at 450) 

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2 minutes ago, Binawocci said:

30-40 min? lucky, currently waiting for almost 2 hours and still 150 in the queue (started at 450) 

it is not fair mate!! really!! this is like they put  the knife in you neck and you say to you~~ you want to play? you must pay!!

and you say but is free? and they say to you again!! NOOOOOO it isn't !!

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They didn't fix shit. That was a part of their game. They saw that people complained too much, so they changed their strategy. If they wanted they could have just simply increased the slots. People still gonna buy VIP status, because for a normal person it is not impossible to wait for that long just to access the game. 

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