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Posts posted by DukeGr

  1. 14 hours ago, Pradaya said:

    If you farmed a zone with drops like Silent Valley you can. 

    The thing is most top players run a second full party to farm adena. They openly admit and accept it's necessary to play this game. Many of them have alts and boxes they use to farm adena in other places to supplement their main while the VIP 10 daily box provides a decent amount to subsist on. 

    6 mil is nothing anyways. It barely affords you 1 c grade weapon and what are you going to do after the starter pack gear expires? You get no drops along the way unless you have 300% item drop rate. The little bit of adena you get along the way is absolutely necessary for new players and it's not much. You need at least b grade for 60+ and around 30-40 mil if not more to afford a full set for just one toon. This doesn't include shot costs after all those free soulshot tickets are gone which is worth millions of adena. 

    This doesn't solve anything. Allowing us to be able to farm in all the other 80 zones like Ketra will help. 

    It solves not having all lower level zones full with bots or alt farming groups. Sure i agree the biggest problem is theres no way to farm in higher levels, so people are using alt groups, multiple of them to make an income.

    For me it's 2 different problems, legit players using alts and RMT bots. For the legit players revamping high level zones to make sense will make having 2-3 alt parties obsolete. For RMT if adena drops are very low or non existant in lower levels it will be much harder for them to farm or create new characters when they get banned. Adena could be something that drops from higher level mobs and they could substitute a currency  for lower level mobs that will allow you to buy non tradable gear/consumables.

  2. You also get points by normal hunting also. Approx 0,2% per toon 24h/exp. So lets assume a clan has 30 people farming 24/7 they will make like 6% per day. But not all are dmg dealers so realistically you will make like 2-3% per day. This is for lvl3 to lvl 4 i assume higher levels require more exp so more time.

  3. 4 hours ago, guzaku said:

    I have a problem with /autohuntingon in my macro.


    Once the macro is right clicked to activate it auto hunting the macro turns off and autohunting nevers turns off

    /target MainDD
    /useskill GreaterHeal

    /delay 300

    any help would be appreciated

    Ok this macro is wrong, i assume you want to Stop Autohunt every 300 seconds and heal then turn it on again.

    try this:


    /target xxxxx

    /useskill Greater Heal


    /delay 300

  4. 18 hours ago, pegaso said:

    i dont think removing all adena drop below 40 will be good, cuz a new player will have like 0 adena and cant event gk or get some gear when he reaches, but can make agony like exp x2 0 drop some mobs to fix that. If you see what is the sv now its just expulsing new people, you cant create accounts, the early is full FULL of bots, when you see ruin of agony if you dont quit is that you are realy willing to play this game, and at least when you reach 79/80 and know that to lvl up just 1 lvl have to kill mobs weeks/months you have nothing to do, so keep afk farming, i reached that point and see pointless to keep playing, there is no fun in any place. 0 pvp only 1 asediable castle and get fun in some events just sometimes like baium event. 

    Adena is not needed before 40, teleports are free and you get alot of free stuff from starter packs or the new newbie pack for 1 coin. I made a small group of 4 for testing and got the newbie pack in all of them. I was melting mobs and made to lvl 40 in less then 24 hours. I actually made like 6m adena in the process. You know how much adena my lvl 80 toons made yesterday? Minus -20kk. So new characters can make millions per day just afk farming with summoners and veterans playing months/years cant make anything unless they are in the top 1% of the server or have some extremely lucky drop/rng.

  5. 26 minutes ago, pegaso said:

    Yeah, when you reach lvl 79/80 you have 4 elemental zones with 0 drop to let the party afk (but it should be to lvl element not to lvl exp of chars), had toi but now we dont, cata omens+necro disciples with low adena and low exp but perfect for afk (the problem is that still does not give any benefit to play active there), forgotten island with slightly good exp but a realy shitty adena drop, giant cave just shit. Thats all, a normal geared party cant farm in varka/ketra/imperial tomb/dragon valley/antharas lair/Toi cuz mobs hit too much, maybe just mages or archers can kill some mobs if they dont reach them or have no range attacks., but still adena drop not cover even the ss used. In what kind of game you can farm more adena in low/mid lvls than in high top spots? what is the sense to keep playing over lvl 80? its too desbalanced server.

    The funny thing is that these things are easily fixable:

    1) Remove Adena drops from lower level mobs, maybe upto level 40, people dont need adena to buy stuff at lower levels with all the free gear provided., it only allows bots to make new farmers every 15min.
    2) Make adena distribution proportionately available based on level and difficulty of mobs. It's completely bad game design when level 80 mobs drop less adena than level 40 mobs.

    3) Nerf difficulty of level 80+ farm places by 50%.

    4) Profit from a balanced game that doesnt bleep people off when they are not willing to spend 1k$ per toon just to exp.

    All these changes are like half an hour or less of adjustments.

    • Like 2
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  6. 2 hours ago, pegaso said:

    random craft also gives elemental stones, so they will go cheaper. What we need is more zones that can be used by real players, not only for bot or whales, opening rune zone for 75/85 in zones that you can realy active farm some adena. This svs have demostrated that they dont care about bots ingame, they are just everywhere and no one does nothing, the sv are geting empty and new changes expulses the people away.

    They made some changes especially for lower levels, its much faster now to reach level 50 or so than before (For example Abandoned Camp is like Ruins of Agony now). As you said the real issue is with high levels 76+. 80% of the high level spots are impossible to farm without endgame gear, rest are too crowded and at best are mediocre. It feels to me like theres so much space in the game but only a very small percentage gets used, most areas just exist for sightseeing purposes. Theres no point in having most of the game accessible for just 1% of the server, it should be the opposite.

  7. 2 hours ago, Krissa said:

    "Proof of Blood can be exchanged for a "Blood Crystal" through NPC Clan Appraiser Leo."

    I don't see such an item exchange at Leo. Someone forgot to turn it on?

    Yup Leo doesnt have such an option, seems like they forgot to add the trade. Please inform us about this issue, thank you.

  8. Your ip is temporary blocked for creating a lot of accounts. Also if you use proxies it wont work, system can detect it. You need a clean residential(servers wont work) ip for it to work or wait for the block to expire. Block can range from 24 hours to 1 week depending on the reason it got triggered.

  9. For me the real problem is the death penalty, i find myself playing a lot more casually and experimenting now that the event is active. In high levels autohunting is like a synchronized dance, if someone gets a dc or crash you could wipe a whole group. Maybe they should make the -50% DP available from lower VIP levels or sth similar.

  10. 42 minutes ago, Fluffy said:

    Currently I have dd, wc, bd, sws. All chars have 41lvl. I donated to buy a grade weapon. But still, even with the weapon at Sea of Spores or Timak Outpost I need 3-6 hits to kill monsters which means 120-240 per mob and mobs drops 170 - 300 adena. All my chars are in moonlight sets and because of that I need to heal every 2 - 3 mobs. To be honest I am disappointed of management staff on this server. You should always be able to play and pay if you want progress faster. This server is different - you need buy your progress, but you still cannot play. I will probably leave the server when my 500k of free ss will end.

    This is an entirely different problem from the buff issue you mentioned above. I agree that the game can be hardcore if you are not willing to spend money. To make money you need to be high level with fully equiped characters. Maybe you should consider searching for some clan to boost you.

  11. This could also happen if a mob uses some skill on you for example the mob teleporting you in Cruma. You could make a simple macro with the command /autohuntingon and right click it to enable. This way if for w/e reason autohunt gets disabled it will automatically enable it again.

  12. Yesterday while I was cleaning up it happened again. All of my accounts got gradually disconnected in the span of 20 min, no lag this time just direct dc.

    It was funny as I was logging them in as soon as they were getting dc and my party didn’t stop attacking hehe.

  13. I'm getting random disconnects on some of my characters multiple times per day, this started yesterday. The strange thing is that on the same machine that i have multiple characters logged, only some of them get disconnected with some big lagspike. Obviously its some server problem, not related with routing.

  14. 11 hours ago, ToJaGram said:

    Good morning, I wanted to share with you my thoughts about the Classic server from the perspective of a player returning to the game after 10 years.

    I came back because I liked the idea of returning lineage to the complex and developed form that this game had during my game on the teon server.

    Unfortunately, after a month of playing on this server, I must sadly say that I am leaving this swamp forever.

    Here are some reasons that led me to make this decision.

    I. Bots everywhere

    The introduction of the autohunting option was not the most tragic decision, but the situation on the server seen from the perspective of the player who is just joining the server and trying to build economics is hopeless.

    Virtually every spot for gaining experience is packed with trains of boxes launched on botting programs. As evidenced by the fact of neat obstacle avoidance, healing when the party member's hp falls below a certain value instead of at fixed intervals, etc. That features are not included in macros and autohunt option.

    What's more pathetic, if you kill such a train immediately logs on its owner at level 80+ to avenge his 40 level bots.

    II. Server population is about 100 people

    Despite the fact that the places to gain experience are completely filled with alternative characters, everything seems to indicate that a total of about 100 people play on this server, which can be seen on the castle sieges for example.

    The sieges on the Giran server look like a small clan pvp when I was playing on Teon. If that's all the server can do, it's a pathetic waste of time.

    High-level players complain that there are no new people on the server, but I would just like to ask how new people can hit the level when they are notorious PK'ed by high-level players just to free up space for their next alt party. After a month of struggling with idiots who PK me out with their mains despite the fact that the room next door was free I am just bored with the people here.

    The whole server looks like one pathetic collective masturbation of a few guys who dream of impressing someone at least once in their life.

    III. It is still MMO?

    I only saw the only live players on this server during those pathetic pvp like shit that you call sieges. I don't know how ncsoft imagines enjoying the game if no one really plays it for the whole week. Chat is still spammed with adena sales offers because there are no ways to make money by any other method. Crafting does not exist, Drop rate is so pathetic that you don't even want to increase it by becoming a VIP. The behavior of the monsters has been specially set so that most are passive, to make being AFK even more pleasant.

    It is not profitable to play because the first valuable items can only be obtained around level 80. Below this level nothing has any value. The new player has the choice to either set up his own bot train and join this miserable masturbation, or as I say to servers, thank you for lost time.

    You stole the ideas of classic servers from world of warcraft, but instead of bringing the game back to its former glory, you made it a pathetic imitation of MMO witch the complexity of gameplay straight from cheap mobile games. Well played NC!

    I think the issue here is that you were expecting something else and got served with something completely different. About your points,

    I) There are bots, no doubt about it, but the majority are not, you dont really need a bot program to farm if you setup proper groups and macros with autohunt, at least i havent found the need to do that. Moreover autohunt evens out the playing field between legit players and botters. Sure its not 100% efficient as a full bot program but its serviceable enough (with 2-3 tweaks it could be excellent).

    II) Population at least on Giran is OK. Sure it is not the old L2 OFF but it is also not dead. PvP for me is active and i'm having fun. If people are killing you for a spot, well that is L2, i've also killed people cause im bored to move to the next room after i login, come and kill me back if you can. If not try to level up/gear up and come, i will be waiting.

    III) Constant Drama - Check, People always bitching about everything - Check, Server Dying every week - Check, well yea, this is definetly an mmo, it passes all the needed criteria.

    Anyways, i can concur that classic is not for everyone and i can understand it is not what you expected, for me i was pleasantly surprised, it was better than what i expected. As they say different strokes for different folks.

  15. The main problem at least from what i have experienced the past month i started playing is the following:

    Cost of playing vs adena gains are not balanced properly as you level. The way it is now, you either need a full low level party farming adena 24/7 in order to fund the cost of your main characters or to spend alot of money and resell things for adena.

    The fix is simple, either increase adena rates or reduce character maintenance costs (soulshots etc). I find it really bad game design to have level 20 characters farming more currency than high level characters which in turn have much higher upkeep costs.

    The only reason to have something like this working intentionally is to lure people into spending money after they invest time into the game. Even if that is the case for F2P online games to work properly you need to have a healthy F2P population, not just people that spend money. If F2P is gone, then the spenders lose alot of value in their investment and they will leave too =  game will die.

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