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Everything posted by Daikon

  1. Ranking system requests are cached. More than once I've lvled up and refreshing the ranking did not show me the new level even after closing and opening client.
  2. I already said to take a look at latency with the npc server and npc server performance. Mobs taking too long to disappear after dead, too long to respawn and even too long to have their hp reduced after taking hit. And that's while every other action is not lagging like clicking to move and chatting. Btw, I believe and hope the auto target is client side. I did notice it is not as simply implemented as the targetnext action as it does not target over walls and mobs too high, but should not be server side. Please tell me im right.
  3. Im in the middle of a 7 day 200% rune, that I poped exclusively because the auto target makes it worth using.
  4. the sole reason why I came back is this auto TARGET(auto macro is around for way longer). no auto target = no more $$$ from me on the l2 store
  5. @Juji ETA auto target to be enabled again? Im in the middle of a 200% 7 day xp rune Wednesday?
  6. I've got your answer pal. Once you have a real live with work, kids and other priorities but playing this game is still a free time satisfaction, that's when we use macro. Why? You see, there's not a single thing in this game that is fast and casual. If you want to finish the very first exalted quest you have many, many, many days to spend in front of the PC for it. Leveling up you factions and farming anything take months. Quests worth doing are extremely tedious and time consuming if you're not extremely overgeared and can 1 shoot anything. Not boxing and finding another player that, also has a job that can afford playing this game, and thus have other priorities and his/her own time for gaming is another thing. So, that's why so many auto macro around. Cant play 24/7 and not willing to do the boring part of the game by hand. This auto macro/target is the best thing that they have done over the past 10 years as is bringing ppl back and getting them more $ from them. For your dream land to happen many things would have to change in this game. Fist of all, they have to aim at that sweet spot between profit and players satisfaction that they have left behind for years now and stop being greedy. That could happen, but not with the current management (juji, etc)
  7. Ranking is not the issue. It does not updatese on every single refresh, the update requests are cached. I lvled up an alt from 102 to 103 and the ranking system showed 102 for many minutes even after restarting the client. The latency is coming from the npc server or from the link between it and the live server. Mobs are taking too long to disappear after killed and even taking long to actually receive the dmg and get its hp lowered after you attack.
  8. Some in game action is crashing the clients. All 3 clients on my PC and my friends pc's crashed at the same moment. We were talking in Discord when it happened to everyone. Looks like same kind of issue as the cloak crash a few years ago. Version: EP50_Global,LL_s,V2110409,228 BuildDate: Fri Aug 02 06:09:54 2019 Time: 2019.8.7 21:24:59 [GTick=340010,LGTicks=317919,Duration=29800] PosCode: 144225:-24214:-2085 ZoneName: Blazing Swamp OS: Windows 10(64) 10.0 (Build: 9200), Service Pack 0.0 CPU: AuthenticAMD AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 6-Core Processor @ 3803 MHz RAM: 16332MB RAM CPUInfo: 12,6,12,1 Memory: 657183KB PrivateMemory: 1300724KB Video: Radeon RX Vega (18009), DX v4.9r904 Option: 1600x900_MW0_H0A0K__ Scene: 0_0_0 Stat: 5 Replay: 0_1 WorldRaid: 0_0/0 ClientSocketClosed: 340010 NPAuthSocketClosed: 0 Sev: 15_Chronos (GMT-2) VideoResources: 110 MB MAC: BB-8F LANG: ENGLISH IME: ??? Error: Protocol: S_ATTACK(53, 0) <= S_SUMMON_INFO(43, 0) <= S_EX_NPC_INFO_SPEED(16, 0) <= S_NPC_INFO_STATE(8, 0) <= S_STATUS_UPDATE(18, 0) <= S_STATUS_UPDATE(18, 0) <= S_STATUS_UPDATE(18, 0) <= S_STATUS_UPDATE(18, 0) <= S_MAGIC_SKILL_USE(71, 0) <= S_MAGIC_SKILL_USE(71, 0) History: User::IsMe <- RevivePacket <- ClientCmd <+ size:4, disassem:4 <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <+ Protocol Name=S_REVIVE <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- CMainLoop::UpdateTheWorld <- MainLoop Exception: Code [EXCEPTION_READ_VIOLATION DataAddress:0x000005E8] Address [0x201306B8] SegCs [0x0023] Engine.dll [0x20000000] Offset [0x001306B8]
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