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Everything posted by itickmorefast

  1. I agree with all posts here. I stooped to complain 10 months ago. They will not change. I don't buy ncoins anymore. I'm CTO at one medium company and to be honesty, I can't understand the logical behind those decisions. They can get more money if make better promos, accessible to more players. the price needs to drops and rewards need to be better. I was talking to my CEO about this and even him was not capable to understand the path choose by NCwest.
  2. I bought one top red cat, on Chronos, for 250 bi. So players that have adena will enchant and price will drope. so we can buy a top like this for 250 bi or less. just wait.
  3. Low. AH has a lot of top red cats eyes around 300 bi.(Chronos) I got one for 250 bi. Using the adena that he spent, he could get a top ruby and red cat. The event will not end today. wait a little bit to see. I never try to enchant nothing. I don't have luck. if was me trying to do it, i will spend 700 bi or more. so I wait.
  4. To be honest, I gave up. I will not waste my time here. They(he) will ignore us. What I can go is simple. I will not spend nothing more until they answer us. I was buying each month 4k NCOINS. Juts using 2400 to destiny pack and accumulating 1400 to use on one good event. Now i will not buy nothing more. Please bring Juji back . I check korean server and most of the player on the 4 server have a lot of items. Here this will only be possible if you spend at least 200k $, to have a medium char. Stop to buy NCOINS and they will listen us.
  5. low chance, i iwll not spend ncoins. when the old chances back again, i will.
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