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Posts posted by iJustice

  1. Are you sure you are in the correct topic? Lineage 2 aden dont have party buff, so the previous information is not incorrect.... You are probably playing the l2 classic or live, check which server you are actually playing and look for the correct topic that for sure someone can help you.

  2. the item 400 arc has no time limit, so it will stay in your inventory until you reach level 85, I don't see any problem here, stop crying and go farm. There are more important issues at the moment, like the disappearance of CMs, how difficult it is for some classes to complete the pass, among other things.

  3. considering the game is starting now, you're right. But the end game is totally different, Cardinal is extremely relevant and practically immortal depending on your gear. all your farm problem is solved with Divine Beam (Holy Ray) and Orfen +2.  This is definitely the best class next to Dark Elf DK, Titan, PP and SE. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, Innis said:

    Wrong. Is the other way around. A level 76+, evolved, with proper gear, makes an heavy difference. Especially if it's a strider or hawk.

    you probably didn't play essence in the end game. a real pvp with gear p2w +6/+7, lv. 88+, pet is good for absolutely nothing. I played DK and SE in EU, With DK all enemy Pet died to AOE (pet 76+ with set A) and my DK was f2p, SE was p2w gear and ALL pet died to 1 single Divine Beam. Don't believe me, just watch any video in Olly with chars 88+ in EU/KR/JP (oficial servers), you will see how irrelevant a pet is. If you find any video that demonstrates the opposite PLS share.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Enthused said:

    2:00PM start for NCSoft West is the same as 7:00PM for Brazilians.

    That's a pretty big difference, and hugely beneficial for Brazilians. NCSoft is clearly putting Brazilians ahead of their own NA player base.

    you are misinterpreting the time zones, the olympics will be 06:00 pm for me, where is this beneficial? usually people work until 7:00 am and still need to go home. the time of the olympics is not good for anyone

  6. 15 hours ago, Enthused said:

    Blackbird é 90% brasileiro, então não espero ver muitas pessoas comentando aqui em apoio a este tópico. Porque esses tempos beneficiam os brasileiros, em detrimento dos americanos.

    Mas @Juji, mano, vamos cara. Existe ALGUMA maneira de adiar isso, mesmo por 1 hora? Podemos falar sobre Discord PMs se você não quiser falar aqui.

    I don't understand what planet you live on.  North America time is the same as South America, only a few regions will have a difference of 1 or 2 hours 

  7. 15 hours ago, Enthused said:

    Really? 2:00PM Olympiad start time during weekdays? This is a North American server, why are you catering Olympiad times to Brazilians? @Juji

    A huge amount of Americans won't even get to participate in Olympiad on North American servers. 👌

    This time is not good even for Brazilians, it's the time we're coming home from work. I can't understand what this time was based on.

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