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Everything posted by Powerlifter

  1. how much does spirit ore consumption change?
  2. Is there significant difference between mp hp regen lvl 1 and lvl 2? Is it worth spending 1 mil?
  3. Same happened to me. Disconnect a minute in, log in again, ticket lost. I will pm you my info although i have raise a ticket.
  4. Amazing way to sink adena. Einstein level of intellect.
  5. probably 500mg test, 750 tren, 50 anarol, 20 m3, 20 halo, 10 iu gh and similar in slin.
  6. And they decide what goes on in NC West even if they have no idea what the situation is. Because if you compare the average equip on Chronos/Naia and some Korean and Japanese servers, it is day and night. Those people there have all DW or +25 110, +15 sets etc and here it is the bronze age collapse. So all in all, there is no point for any NCWest gamer to give any feedback as it will go to deaf ears. Testament to that would be how fast the EU servers collapsed and the non existent activity they have now.
  7. Well there you go. Getting half adena also forces people to quit. If you cant make spirit ore, pots and shots then finito.
  8. As publishers they cannot change/modify the game and i get it. Can they modify the prices? Are publishers allowed to do anything or do the orders come from korean big brains and that is the end of it?
  9. Thanks for the answers. From what Enthused had written here, EU died because of prices, PK extravaganza and ultra p2w store boxes. What did they get from the boxes and how much did they cost? If you got any idea.
  10. i had found some cooments on the EU forum that pretty much described the destruction o the RU servers. That was wrong? How much do they charge in korea for the 8k? If RU can charge less, why not NC too?
  11. 3 months? Extremely generous. I died at the last line. So what is the population of the two EU servers? An if it is that tiny, how are they sustained if the produce no financial gains? Unless the tiny amount of people are sick megawhales of course.
  12. https://dev.l2central.info/essence/skills/
  13. how the hell do you buy l2 coin?
  14. is it normal that a billion mobs attack you at the same time?
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