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Everything posted by VLynxx

  1. @Jujiany update on this?? Especially since they decided to take swords and put it at a time that I now can’t attend except Mondays. Not trying to spam you or be rude, but I feel this isn’t a horribly difficult request especially after the time change.
  2. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. This is a North American Server. Making it the same time as NAIA absolutely makes no sense. The whole point of NAIA is to be more convenient for other timezones. Chronos is for North American timezones. Tbh I don’t give a crap about getting bloods. I like to play this event with my friends that knew my mom before she passed, and that includes playing with the ‘enemy team’ because they knew her too. My mother was always kind. This event was her absolute favorite event and it honestly is the only reason I even play. I play to continue doing the event she loved and supporting the friends she loved. Y’all love to call us rats and other garbage but honestly, why? Over some stupid materials? I am absolutely heartbroken that my favorite event that I used to do in honor of my mom will be when I am at work. I will only be there on Mondays and maybe the other days if I’m lucky and traffic isn’t terrible. Please move it back or create a true North American Server.
  3. Why are swords being moved to 6:30 CST?? And then with daylight savings it will be 5:30 CST! This cuts out SOOOOO many NA players. And on a personal note, I joined this game after @GottaGo(my mom) passed away (after I took a 6 year break) to play swords with the team she used to be a part of. This event is one of the LAST things I have connected to my mother and the team she used to be a part of that I have now grown fond of and consider my dear friends. I work until 6 pm CST and have at least a 30 min commute meaning that after Nov 7 and the time change I will NEVER be at the event except Mondays and I lose the chance to do an event that gives me a good connection to something my mother loved. It is frankly ridiculous to be catering to the European players on a NORTH AMERICA server.
  4. You posted this 40 minutes ago, I thought this was an inconvenient time for you guys to play Swords? Huh, funny that you can come on here and bleep but can’t play at this time.
  5. No one is scared of you, you’re just mad cause y’all keep losing. Don’t like the time difference, go to the European Server. Stop with all the tears even though it is quite funny to watch. You’re delusional if you think it’s going to create more PVP, it’s just gonna give y’all an advantage which seems to be all you want really since you can’t win the way it’s supposed to be done. And @Scoobzdont you remember when a GM came to confirm our side wasn’t cheating at the event? Can’t say the same for y’all. We all know what happened at Aden (too soon?) As far as the event not being available to lower or less geared characters, I genuinely don’t think this is accurate. I don’t have the best gear or the most levels but I have gotten the sword for our team multiple times and I know I’m an important member of the team and have had a great time. I have never once felt I couldn’t participate. If you’re newer, join a clan that participates or simply talk with them and learn the strategies, learn how to get better, and join the fight when you’re ready. I get my ass handed to me every time, but each time I go is another chance at practicing and you can ask my team, the growth I’ve had has been so much better each time I participate in the event. Stop whining, and play the game. Don’t want to? Then go to Naia
  6. Hi there, I am Dag’s sister and Gotta Go’s daughter Bekah or VLynxx. And I just wanted to add some things as well. But firstly Dag spoke openly and has written an absolutely beautiful tribute to our mother. We have played this game for most of our lives. (Not sure that Dag is comfortable with me sharing his age, but I am 22 and losing our mother at our ages is extremely difficult, even more so than when it happens later in life. She was 58, she was robbed of so much time). I had taken a very long break from the game because of college and also my mental health did not allow for me to add another hobby. But, during COVID-19 my mother and my brother taught me so much about this game and constantly talked about the community. This community is absolutely wonderful. And I got to know so much about people I had never spoken to. I knew their stories, their real names and their character names. They always wanted to tell me the updates of everything I missed when I would come home each week. And they even started to show me how to do the swords event. I was set on joining and playing with the both of them and all their friends once I got a PC. Then, as Dag said, mom got diagnosed with an extremely aggressive cancer. It happened fast, and we were left to deal with all of her affairs, and even now I am still dealing with everything legally whilst in the middle of a hurricane. And I never got to play again with my mom. I never got the chance. But, something that brought me a massive light in a seemingly endless dark tunnel was the memorial raids held in her honor. Dag and all of the clan invited me to join on her main, GottaGo. I finally met this community she had become a part of and met these wonderful people I call my friends now. I soon joined after getting my PC and started playing this month. I have been invited into the community with open arms and I can feel her. Every time I’m in game, I get that nostalgia of her, and all those nights playing with her as kids, and sitting in her home as they told me about all their friends and a game she loved so dearly. But a heavy weight rests on my shoulders that I was never able to play with her again. I never got to do swords with her, I never got to do the raids with her, I never got to watch her compete in Olympiad. Seeing her name on those elpys, and seeing a memorial for her by swords would be as close as I could get to having that with her. I hope that you will seriously consider this. I know it’s probably difficult to do, but you would not only bring solace to two young adults who lost their mom, but also the community of your game that lost a comrade, and dear friend. Please consider our request. Thank you sincerely for your time. Peace and love, Bekah (Lynx)
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