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Posts posted by 4thcoming

  1. 3 hours ago, Mete said:

    So much whining. It's a free event, if you don't like it, don't participate. Beyond that, if thousands of people do venirs to get 80 event items/day, OBVIOUSLY there's gonna be a lot of competition. Ultimately, it's just a free lottery you get free raffles for.

    Just because you don't have any standards and can't stand up for yourself doesn't mean everyone will be that submissive.

    Thankfully people are better than that or the world would be a much worse place.  This isn't even a controversy.  When the patch notes and timer say you have 4 HOURS to turn in event items a REASONABLE person would expect 4 hours to do so.

    • Like 1
  2. On 1/19/2022 at 2:11 PM, Acsa said:

    Since everyone on this forum only complains about what is bad, we should also point out the good things and thank for the nice events that we currently have on 2022, we appreciate you listened to the people and took time to start the year with the right step.

    In 30 years of gaming this current event is hands down the worst I have ever seen.  From the false advertising to needless turn in time frames, to not meeting time zone standards, to the fact you have to spam click and hope you get some reward (last turn in I didn't know what was going on and it only lasted a few minutes which I barely got anything).

    These responses are NOT just opinions or people trying to be negative. They are stating core facts that OTHER companies even Indie and P2W and notoriously bad companies don't even do this.

    I mean seriously what's next?  Events where only 4 people win and they are required to have made 2 or more purchases during the event?  This even is a self destructive nightmare with NO BENEFIT to the company and ONLY NEGATIVE aspects.

    I didn't think it would even be possible to fail this hard.

    • Like 1
  3. 10 hours ago, Kimako said:

    @Hime @Juji

    This is unacceptable for a company to perform bait and switch tactics on their players, promising one thing and then delivering another. This has been the current practice of NcSoft of just saying "sorry you lose". Yall should own up to your mistakes and give all of us compensation for the lack of quality assurance that went into this event.

    That is true, but isn't the history essentially using these same business practices for over an entire decade now?  I think the only entertainment is to see how low and egregious a company can be.

    In the past companies have released P2W, Poor Content, Faulty Products, Gotchas's, No notice shut downs, and now NFT's.  I have all that, what I come here for is to look into the future on what the next scam will be.

    Turns you can just ruin what are supposed to be beneficial events.  With things like applying high costs to RNG (prior event) which newer players often won't be able to afford or risk.  So I was like damn that's a pretty low blow.

    But then, as usual the crystal ball appears!!!!!

    And I am yet again going wow, limit the turn in period?

    Then I actually looked at some of the items I was getting.......... lol.......... what? the event is over?  Blatant false advertising and not even adhering to basic event rules that cost the company nothing?

    The only value here is to appreciate other horrible companies because relatively they are just not AS BAD. 

  4. 35 minutes ago, Lyfiasama said:

    Well i use 120 keys today all vía "cliking"

    120 me , 120 other , 130 other ect ect...

    there is a limit of items in the event (they are not infinite) and there are many people logging in or coming back for these events thats really good.. that why the event ends really quiclky.


    Do you have any proof to show us what kind of program you are talking about?

    I don't see any other way to do it except manually. 

    Macro doesnt work also for the event.

    Do you really believe that?  I tried to start playing again, but all this event tells me if leave this sinking ship.  WHY should I ever play this game?  The ONLY positive thing I get out of it is more appreciation for OTHER game companies.

  5. Yes this event is an absolute disgrace.  I could not list a single company out of 1,000's that does a worse job at literally everything.  NCSoft dares it's customers to quit and spits in their face on a regular basis.  It's a shame the industry is so bad that recently released games don't even function so there isn't much available on the market.

    While this is  a major failure by the company that in OTHER companies would have been fixed immediately it's also the communities fault.  Anyone paying for this game is STILL giving the company a green light to never change or care.

    • Like 2
  6. On 10/25/2021 at 4:41 PM, voo said:

    everything this game does is make stuff stuff harder

    That common faulty narrative by many companies is always immediately dismantled by intelligence.

    I have witnessed companies trying to "make things tougher" on many occasions.  While the reality is virtually every single cash shop has THE EXACT OPPOSITE objective.  If you want the game to be "more difficult" remove the cash shop benefits.

  7. On 8/20/2021 at 10:42 AM, Rakin said:

    They should create a server where the use of multiple accounts is prohibited, only one account per IP. Then each profession would be from the heart, you would play with more people and therefore it would be more fun.  Don't you think it would be more fun watching the crowded discord channel? The supports would be much better valued.

    The solution has been enacted in many newer games.  "Buffer" classes simply need to NOT EXIST.  There is no real benefit to them and it will always lead to negative aspects.

    It's also a HUGE RELIEF to just play a single class which is PROPERLY DESIGNED TO BE SELF SUFFICIENT in other games.

  8. On 4/21/2021 at 5:41 PM, checos said:

    So.. right now Shilen Crystal level 5 is just another cheap item? .. come on! is joke? with new exalted soul crystal you get same stat like shilen 5.

    Same for Sayha talisman (exalted) is like sayha lv 5 , so ppl who spend a lot ncoins on make that now is just another Cheap item?


    Finally with 1440 NCOIN you get item with same stat like Shilen soul Crystal lv 5 and Sayha talisman (exalted) same stats lv 5. 


    Owned. Gl Hf


    PD: you get Blessed Exalted ring too .. bye bye for ppl who spend in Angel ring and Fallen Angel ring! GL too , 1440 ncoin.


    I think the term for this is "you played yoself".  If they where foolish enough to buy NCoin don't they kind of get what they deserve?  I mean the entire business model is a predatory mess with absolutely no regard for customers or the future of the game.  To participate in such a system is to contribute to it and to accept a high level of gambling.

    It's kind of justice.  They wanted to ruin the game experience for everyone else for personal gains, but instead they get dumped on.

  9. 35 minutes ago, Billz said:

    Nothing Will change guys stop QQ , if u can't afford don't buy..play for fun nobody put a gun in ur head to spend .....HF..


    Sincerlsy Bazinga

    If you are weak and just roll over.  If you put in no effort.  If you simply accept it.  Then yes nothing will change because you do nothing to enact or enable that change.

    However, if you make a stand and put forth effort you can be the catalyst for change.

  10. 7 hours ago, dmangus said:

    what ever. I can tell you this, I know persons who have spent 100+k in ncoin purchase to get 1 item. I am not talking RMT, I am talking legit ncoin. They did that just to get an item that is non tradable to a specific enchant level at the time. You can talk all that mumbo jumbo all you want.

    It's the Internet brah, I know this guy that spent 16 trillion dollars on an item.  Regardless of the few historical outliers the fact remains that THEIR REVENUE is dependent on the TOTAL SPENDING not just whales.

    By Mumbo Jumbo you mean historical proven and recorded facts like the Allods issue ;)

    Btw if you use an ounce of intelligence you can automatically call BS on claims of spending $100,000.  While it certainly has happened, intelligence will supersede it.

    Intelligence tells you claims that are statistically unlikely and thus you can assume it's a lie and be right probably 99.999% in a case that extreme.  The idea that everyone is just popping off spending $100,000 might work in your social circles, but amongst adults they will just appropriately rolls their eyes and say SUURRREEEE.

  11. 26 minutes ago, dmangus said:

    this would never work, why? because whales who have deep pockets would pay anything to win, it doesn't matter if its 20 bucks an item or 200k. Because there is always at least 1 whale spending all to win, NCsoft can set what ever price they want. Just like now, the majority will not buy, yet whales will. Your left with people just spending what they can. Nothing can be done here other than, those who cannot, to find another game.

    History demonstrates your information IS NOT CORRECT.

    Lets objectively test your claim "this will never work".  It's poorly stated because ANY single example would automatically ruin your entire premise.  However, for the sake of discussion lets PROVE YOU WRONG.

    In the case of Allods the CUSTOMERS revolted and forced the entire cash shop to lower their prices.  In accordance to you this isn't possible.  Remember, it will NEVER work.  Any other examples of this (there are many) are simply not possible in accordance to you.

    Thus what can easily be concluded is your statement is false.  You could correctly say it doesn't often happen, but that also ruins your premise.  Because one of the things you are trying to imply is that it's futile and there is no use trying.  When again, FACTUALLY we know that isn't correct.

    So stop being part of the Problem and start being part of the Solution.  Help advocate and educate for a better game environment.

    And also stop dumping old propaganda such as all the income is from rich whales.  That's just a pathetic excuse for spenders to justify their actions and try to avoid the blame they deserve.

  12. 1 hour ago, aronat said:

    problem are not ppl which spend money its they money they have right to do it problem are rest of ppl which do do just complain instead simple //leave

    WRONG.  That answer is not acceptable.  While each individual has the right to do as they wish, the CONSEQUENCES of THEIR actions WILL EFFECT EVERYONE.

    Also /leave is a FAILURE for the person making the purchases.

    Virtually NO ONE wants to play a dead MMO.  Spenders in these predatory games are only acting selfishly for their own personal temporary games.  While at the same time destroying their own games and future games.

    THE MAJORITY of these spenders also regret it later.

  13. 1 hour ago, TheBuffer said:

    $360 for red cat 5 or $180 for Ruby lvl5 means nothing for rich people. NC relies on them. If prices were cheaper, more people would spend money and i agree 100% with you, if everyone stop spending money in those insane pay2win events NC will be forced to take actions.

    That's a fake talking point.  Everyone likes to claim "their money doesn't count".  It's a way of trying to shift responsibility onto someone else.  Even people who spend $1,000's just blame people spending more.  That way EVERYONE can shift blame and responsibility onto the top 5 spenders lol.

    That's simply NOT THE CASE.  Everyone contributing ANY amount to such egregious companies is contributing the problem.

  14. 1 hour ago, aronat said:

    fragmenting content is part of sales its how they do money on naive ppl

    Not many games do this in the same manner.  It's often used for financial reasons, but the way Lineage II is going about it is just plain wrong.

    For example in BDO content was drip released so they could do continual updates even though content was already complete or even released in other regions.  However, everyone ended up with the same content.

    Lineage II is actually the ONLY game I have ever seen that runs completely different versions of the game.  Aside from minor differences like Signapore/EU/NA/Korean versions being slightly different by region.

  15. On 10/12/2021 at 10:43 AM, gg- said:

    Hello I am curious why so many bots are allowed on this server.  Your anticheat is clearly not working properly as every single character on the top ranking is running third party software to automate gameplay. It is so incredibly obvious and after months of reports these accounts continue to operate.  Where can we go to bring this topic higher up? What is the point of playing on a server where everyone on top is cheating to get there? Where are the GM's?

    My recommendation would be for you to quit immediately as that issue has been ongoing for 17 years straight.  The original version of the game was a complete bot infestation and it was NEVER resolved, not even close.

    The result years later was the "live servers" just allowing everyone to bot.

    You should know this is a community issue.  A LARGE portion potentially over 1 MILLION gamers are willing to cheat in any game they can.  What you can do is try to fortify yourself against it.  Don't allow discussion on discord, remove players from clans that cheat.  Even admitting to cheat in other games should be enough grounds for a removal.  You need to stigmatize this as cheaters are not welcome.

  16. On 5/14/2021 at 2:01 AM, Dwarfsaurus said:

    The Lineage II auction house is outdated compared to every other MMORPG out on the market.

    It was a great step forward a few years ago that we didn't had to do private stores any more to sell everything we had, or everything we wanted but the Auction House lost its valuable purpose.

    The auction house has to be overhauled and improved.

    Current issues:

    1. You cannot search for a specific enchant level. If I want to sell my +10 Krishna Thrower I have to first filter on R110 Weapons and than filter again on Bows. The search box doesn't allow to search for +10 Krishna to filter out all +10 Krishna weapons to do value/price comparison.
    2. The search engine is rubbish and doesn't allow searching for specific item names. Let's say I want to search auction house Chef Monkey's Belt. An older item but still. The search will give no result while 10 are in auction house. All because the search engine doesn't understand special characters like the ' which, sadly enough, is in almost every single new item in the game like for example Angel's Ring, Dragon's Ring, Eva's Necklace. It makes searching for items a chore.
    3. You cannot buy partial stacks. Thanks to all "events" market sometimes get flooded with items. Few months ago thousands of Rune Stones were flooded onto the market, more recent Gem Energy. All of them are being put into auction house in either stacks of 1, 5, 20 or just big bulks tacks of 100+. But if the lowest price in the auction house is a stack of 200, and I only want 4 I have to buy the whole stack of 200 OR buy more expensive smaller stack. Why every modern MMORPG allows you to buy 4 of that 200 stack, except Lineage II?
    4. Majority of items cannot be put into auction house. Items like Cloaks, Circlets, Shirts, Bracelets all are locked out from being put into auction house. Every modern item basically has a version or restriction that cannot be listed. While obsolete junk in my warehouse from 2009 can happily be listed. Either allow is to put everything in auction house or nothing at all.
    5. Make auction house accessible everywhere, not just via the NPC! You already have added the option to access the Dimensional Merchant from an on screen menu. The Dimensional Merchant really doesn't do much and for majority of the players is a feature they never need(ed) and never used. Adding direct access to the auction house from the same menu bar as Timed Zones, Ranking and the Dimensional Merchant allows us to buy and sell items from our inventory straight from the hunting zones.

    Not an issue but maybe good for market

    1. Add the 5 newest listed items on the blank screen of auction house. Why prompt us with a blank screen, if you can list 5 most recent listed items.
    2. Add the 5 items with biggest price change. This is very common in modern MMORPGs. The auction house/central market/marketplace listing a bunch of items that recently had a big price change (up or down wards). This will allow everybody to find bargains (or wrongly listed items) which allow more fun market play. Usually all the wrongly listed items are picked up by the bot chars that stand near the auction house NPC and run their script every minute.

    The market should be accessible from anywhere.  Especially in a game designed around auto game play.

  17. 14 hours ago, Nausea said:

    So last weekend during the XP event we had a PVP and I died in total 4 times.
    While it being a normal zone, the "characters death" box appears, and asks you to pay the gentle ammount of 80LCoin per death, to restore the lost 4% XP, by 100%. Ofc this is what option anyone would klick on even if it is a bit costly. 4% XP on lvl 85 wich I was takes some time...

    After each death my XP got restored, and that was the end of that. Like it should be.

    when teleporting out from primeval garden, I saw my XP bar filling up all green.
    What happened I thought a bit excited. Did I some how fill my XP bar to 98%?!
    Oh noes, I had deleveled to 98% on previous level, loosing in total 16% on my 4 deaths.

    Ofc I got worried, angry and confused. Did I missklick the XP restoration 4 times? A mistake I have never done before, now 4 times in a row?
    Then I remembered checking my XP a few times to see what I had gained while waiting for the bosses to spawn etc.
    No, I must have klicked the right option...

    No worries I thought, the GMs are competent and fair people who will reallize that I have spend an average of 100euros per day, buying consummables like sayhas blessings, event boxes etc, and they will probably see that my LCoin disappeared during resurrection, and help me to recover my XP back. That prooved to be easier said then done.

    After describing the matter as stated above in a support ticket, this was the initial response I got:

    Not very satisfied with the answer, feeling like they did not really read the whole matter, I explained again that I know that there is an intended XP loss upon death, but there is also an intended XP recovery option that costs LCoin (80pcs per usage), that I believe I have pressed.
    the response was as follows:

    Again I responded with the cost of ressurection, vs the cost of gaining 16% at level 85.
    Explaining that I lost a lot of time and some money with the loss of this XP bug.
    I asked them to please reffer the ticket to a higher GM tier if it exists...

    This was the final response of the matter:


    During the period of mailing back and forth, I used hero chat to see if others have had the same issue.
    And confirmed from a few other sources that in primeval garden, they had lost XP even though pressing the correct option to regain 100% XP. During our last visit to primeval garden another clanmember had the same bug, loosing a whopping 22%...

    How I see the matter is:
    Apparently the GMs sees the bug, as they did not deny that I had pressed the 100% XP loss reovery option.
    However they can not restore the XP, or the items that I had payed with money for and consummed to gain the said XP.

    This is very worrying, that the GMs, Game Masters, do not have the power to add XP to a specific character. Nor do they reimburse the consummables needed to gain that XP, or even the LCoins that I uses to get the 100% XP recovery.
    How can this game function properly with Game Masters having no power?

    If you have had identical issues, please contine this post with writing what have happend to you and your character.

    Hoping for resolution,




    You act like "everyone will just be a sucker and click the take my money option".  This is not the case for the MAJORITY of gamers.  They simply know better and will not allow companies to manipulate them in such a manner.  What you are doing is harmful to the entire gaming genre and yourself.

    What do you think that money is even going towards anyway?  Lineage II has been dead for over a decade.  Newer games are releasing actual content on a regular basis.  I would ask you to think more carefully about your spending practices and the long term consquences.

    Do you want more players?  More content?  Better Content?  More game development instead of marketing?

  18. 5 hours ago, Kysannia said:

    NC Soft WEST constantly raising prices for the digital items in game, taking items out of the game and not replacing and only releasing items through events has long past being unacceptable. Having an digital item that costs 0$ to manufacture and charging, in this case 360$ for a single Red Cat 5 is ludicrous. To simply "Buy" a singular item @Jujiand NC Soft West feels that $720 for a player to purchase ONE ITEM is an acceptable and fair cost.

    Another example is Forgotten skill books. Each Character requires at a MINIMUM to have 3 lvl 3o skills (Attack, Defense and Attribute). Each Skill requires 875 Chapter 1 books. At Night Market Coin prices (Which laughably is cheaper than the Shop)  that cost is $787.50 per one skill. multiplied by 3 that is a grand total of $2,362.50 per character, plus everyone has a subclass so lets multiply that by two. 

    I would like to know the following, HOW does @Juji and NC Soft West justify making each player pay $4,725 PER CHARCTER to simply have the BASE skills to play a video game. This is without gear, skills or skill enchant, and GEAR.. it's the expensive part?  

    I would to know why we as North Americans are charged more than triple for items than any other Lineage 2 servers in the world. 


    I know there is a lot of toxic chat in game, but at the end of the day we're ALL GAMERS and we ALL deserve to be treated the same as the other Gamers on the other Lineage 2 Servers in the world. Just because we are in the Americans, it should not be an excuse to gouge the player base. As a Help to all My Fellow Gamers and the community I created a list of all night market Items and the actual cost of them in the spreadsheet. 








    I have a proposed solution for you.  It's simple and only requires 1 step.

    Don't purchase anything.

    Thus, the problems which you mention (which are a real problem) will be far less of a concern.  If this requires you to change your spending behavior or how you play the game, so be it.  Be part of the Solution not the problem.

    • Thanks 2
  19. How would Additional Versions have affected some of the best MMO's in history?

    World of Warcraft

    Asheron's Call



    Black Desert Online



    No matter which game lets apply the "Aden effect" to it.  By definition you would need to start over or simply lose content.  When specific events are created for a single version a large portion of the player base loses out for no reason.

    The right answer is 1 Single Global Version.  That all regions and servers have the same content and release dates.

    EXAMPLE: Developers took time to revamp areas like the cemetery for Aden.  However, you will NOT experience that content on other servers.

    EXAMPLE: Development time was used to customize stats, drops etc for Aden.  None of that matters to customers not participating on that server.

    Now apply it to a classic game like Everquest.  Start breaking up the content so ONLY SPECIFIC servers have that content.  It's objectively worse for the entire community and exclusionary.

    Exception: Only rare exceptions should apply such as Classic servers.  Which should not be creating unique content for only those servers.

    All of those games would just be worse off by fragmenting their content into multiple versions. 

  20. 3 hours ago, Draecke said:

    the issue lies with the gambling laws in USA that allows this, in Korea and Japan things got changed after regulations forced them to comply

    did you know that in Japan by law if you gamble loot boxes every X amount of boxes is required to give u 1 of the top rewards ?

    all other regions has einhassad store which allows for unlimited access to certain items, basic ones and event types which means prices are way more stable & reasonable as a price cap exist

    now imagine the same here

    Regulations will certainly help, but that won't resolve the main issue.  Even if you removed all forms of gambling in Lineage II the structure is still designed to FORCE YOU TO FAIL unless you pay money.  The regulation will just lead to companies using alternative methods to achieve the same results.

    The real issue needs to be fixed: People funding these business practices for petty personal gains which harm everyone.

    I was proud to purchase some products like Grim Dawn and many others for example.  A more fair transaction where I feel my money is helping contribute to something good.  People also fail to understand the business model.  You DO NOT NEED to give ANY of these companies $100+ a month.

    If they are running the business correctly they should have SO MANY CUSTOMERS that $15 a month is more than enough.

    • Like 2
  21. 10 minutes ago, extase1987 said:

    I don't mind paying 10, 20, 50 or maybe 100€ per month. If in return, I see my character improve.

    The fact someone needs to spend 1000€ or more to improve correctly, does not justify the cost.

    For 1000€ per month, you have far more fun at any other game outside L2.

    Their business model and rewarding system is too old.

    Those who stay around are whales or RMTers. Majority of players, play another game meanwhile doing afk in L2 ;)

    Best you can do, buy a second PC, let L2 run in it, and play something else on your main PC.

    You missed the trap.  When you give them $10 or $20 they will push you to $50.

    If you give $50 they want $200.  If you give $200 they want $1,000.

    You're just a sucker no matter what.  That is the business model.  To get every penny possible and to push you as hard as possible.

    No respect, no honor, no thanks.  You're just a current sucker.

  22. 49 minutes ago, TheBuffer said:

    Game "ended" when it went "free to play" (goddess of destruction).

    Lineage 2, in general, it's a very nice MMORPG. Yes it uses and out dated game engine (unreal engine 2.5 LOL) but if NC Korea and then NCWest manage to upgrade , fix issues and add enjoyable content it will bring many players. Millions of players around the world play L2. Take an example of the recent Aden server, when it was first introduced many players decided to play and now with all those items introduced in l2 store, a lot of players have uninstalled already. NC gives hopes and hype to players but when they announce something that's really pay2win , they lose a lot of players. 

    Not only you need to pay to use basic skills but you also need to pay to enjoy the "small content" and progress your character. 

    Agree. Nothing will change. 

    Back then everything was amazing. We used to love the drops from raids that gave us higher stats and yes it was fair and balanced to all. Now you cannot kill raid bosses and even if you do you will get so bad drops. 90% of the items Lineage 2 has now can only be obtained via L2 Store which simply means you nee to pay to get them. They have completely changed the way the game works. Of course you are not "forced" to pay and keep progressing with your character as a free2play player but it'll take ages to get items and also to level up. 

    They can still fix it but the community doesn't believe to them anymore, they've lost faith. They will continue like that and see where it goes. The updates we get are bad, they are making forum polls if the update was good and the majority of players said it was bad and this topic has been lost in history. Whether we like it or not, no matter how many topics will be created, NC will do nothing to change it. They will always provide us with bad content updates, low chances to get items from the game, insanely hard mobs that cannot be killed and expensive pay2win store items. 

    I stopped playing right before the game went free to play.  EVERYONE suggested to stay away from it.  I was told it was completely P2W and not worth ever coming back.

    So I have a relatively new player experience now.  One of the shocks was, where are all the drops?  When I started to look up items I noticed this trend of not only was it convoluted, but it all lead to the cash shop.  As in you don't even farm items in game you just literally buy everything.  It was mind boggling how people even put up with this and how bad the situation is.  I was used to predatory practices.  Loot Boxes, directly buying power, a small amount of items giving stat boosts that didn't drop.

    However, Lineage II is hands down the WORST model I have ever seen.  And that says a lot vs the entire market and with just how bad so many games are.  It's even worse than mobile garbage.  It's simply a burden to even try to play the game.

    Side Note: ALL of these companies need to hire actual qualified gamers to help the direction of the game.  Sure they will load up Cash Shop Shenanigan's, but there are employees justifying their jobs just by providing overly complex trash systems everywhere.

    Literally everything could be simplified with a small amount of effort and foresight.  EVERYTHING put into the game is just another road block for masses of consumers.  And 95% is useless.  Every single NPC and the upgrade options in this game are a complete mess.

    If you experienced the last decade of updates it's generally much easier, but even so there are just easier ways to do everything.

  23. 6 minutes ago, FoolyCooly said:

    Thing is I've been waiting for this L2 community to wise up to this since 2012. I'm done hoping for them to catch on. Most simply give up & quit. 

    I'm very aware of Netherlands passing a law against this type of behavior.

    There is an easier way to make very accurate assessments.  For example many games like Lineage II, BDO, Rappelz, had horribly unbalanced PVP, instant kills, and just bad design.  Everyone asked for balancing for years.

    Here is the secret which applies here also.  If they COULD do it, it would have already been done.  Thus you can count on it being a failure indefinitely.

    It takes a miracle 1/MILLION chance like Final Fantasy to actually fix real problems.  Thus you can count on failure and be right 999,999 out of a million times ;) 

  24. 3 minutes ago, FoolyCooly said:

    I've been raising awareness to this fact for years. Nobody will listen & things will remain the same.

    That's not entirely true.  It's a tough situation, but that doesn't mean there have not been victories.  Archeage?  The DEAD game that got buried with the stigma of P2W sent the game into it's grave.  Allods Online had similar issues and had to revamp their entire shop.  EU has been pushing regulation against loot boxes as well as other countries.

    The power resides in the consumers, they have the spice of life ;) MONEY

    Spend wisely, educate, and help make the MMO market a better place.

    I don't think Final Fantasy is really P2W either.  It is subscription but that certainly doesn't prevent P2W anymore.  (WOW as an example).  So if that's the case it would be good to see the #1 MMORPG isn't P2W.

  25. 3 minutes ago, FoolyCooly said:

    If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it? I'm pretty sure they'll revise their business model to something more beneficial when it's a better option. Unless, of course, they decide to end the game.

    The issue is THEY will win.  However, the entire MMO community including those who pay will always in the end be the LOSER.

    You may get temporary gains in a game, but at a cost of the player base, future games, content, PVP, etc.  You never really win by paying.

    Instead of getting CONTENT you will get a P2W EVENT.  That's certainly not winning for anyone.

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