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Posts posted by Juji

  1. Hello All,

    We will have an unscheduled maintenance at 10:00 a.m. PDT / 7:00 p.m. GMT+2. The downtime will last approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes to address latency and server performance issues.

    With this maintenance:

    • Server Hardware will be upgraded 

    Queue limit will be increased once we have confirmed the server latency issue has been resolved.

    Thank you for your patience!

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  2. Update:

    Our team is still monitoring the server performance for now until we can further increase the queue limit. We are also planning a major hardware adjustment that will require additional downtime, but should greatly increase the server performance. More details on this change will be shared tomorrow.

    I can also tease some of the major events that we have scheduled to start soon on the Live servers:

    • New Artifacts of Power
    • Golden Compass Event - Lurin's Fortress
    • Multiple Server Settings
    • Attendance Checklist Event

    We are still waiting to resolve the latency as you know, but we have not forgotten about compensation and will have a special pack available in the L2 Store next week.

    Thank you again for being patient with us! 

    • Thanks 2
  3. Hello All,

    We will have an unscheduled maintenance at 1:30 p.m. PDT / 10:30 p.m. GMT+2. The downtime will last approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes to address latency and server performance issues.

    With this maintenance:

    • The Ranking System will be temporarily removed
    • Chronos: The amount of NPCs in hunting zones will be restored back to normal. Timed Hunting Zones will still remain temporarily disabled.
    • Naia: The amount of NPCs in extremely low populated hunting zones will be further reduced.
    • Additional server adjustments will be made to address latency issues on the Naia server

    Queue limit will be increased to allow in more players once we have confirmed server stability.

    Thank you for your patience!

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  4. Hello All,

    Maintenance has been extended by another 45 minutes. We have some additional changes from the Dev team for the maintenance today in an effort to resolve the latency issue. The changes will only be temporary as we try to identify the main cause for the latency.

    Additional Temporary Changes:

    • Timed Hunting Zones have been temporarily removed (Primeval Isle and Storm Isle)
    • The amount of NPCs in several Hunting Zones has been reduced
    • A temporary server queue will be added once the Live servers have reached a certain limit and then we will gradually increase the limit after verifying there are no latency issues

    Thank you for your understanding!

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  5. On 8/15/2019 at 10:57 PM, DreddJudge said:

    The scrolls supposedly drop off ignis according to the RU, makes no common sense because you need them at second class transfer and that's slightly 30+ lvls below Ignis.  Think it was just poor forethought by NC @Juji@Hime Also need to just to adopt live model of Kams get blanket 2h skill and a passive haste esp since server are dead and raids are almost gone outside of money traders. Or put in weapon exchange like live. 

    On 8/15/2019 at 8:32 AM, xxbutcherxx said:

    Kamael needs books after 3rd class change but they also need 2 scrolls and 2 crystals to level the skills shine and shadow, those items are non-existent or don't know where to find them. 

    The Kamael scrolls are mentioned in the patch notes as only being obtainable through the Epic versions of the Elemental Raid Bosses.


  6. Auto hunting will be enabled again after the maintenance tomorrow since disabling it did not alleviate the latency issue. We will be making changes to our hardware this week to reduce the CPU usage as much as possible.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Dawe said:

    Juji can i have a question?

    We know that Innova Eu/Ru, Japan, Korea... (the other Territories) that have the same update, they doesn't have any problems....

    Why it's always NCWest who have issues? Why?

    Every country has their own setup, business model, and different server configuration files for their servers. Devs are looking into everything for the latency issue.

  8. Hello All,

    We received a fix today for adjusting how the Ranking System checks the Database for ranking data. Another unscheduled maintenance will be planned to implement this change for the Live servers. More details will be announced shortly.

    Thank You!

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  9. On 8/14/2019 at 1:34 PM, Aden said:



    It seems this passive doesn't work at all, casting speed is not increasing wearing Light armor...



    Can this please be addressed?


    It is a localization issue. The benefit is only active if you wear a robe, not light armor.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Nuvolett4 said:

    I think that Shoppy is right, maybe it over stress the database and causes that much lag we have to fight with actually. Of course i don't have the solution for it but the DEV team has to find the real problem of it and with disabling char creation is actually not the cause of the lag :/ Cheers

    12 minutes ago, Shoppy said:

    Oh hell no!

    You guys frigged up the servers and you gonna penalize players now?

    Everybody knows that the insane lag is being caused by the Ranking System that continuously is trying to update the database because everybody is doing auto-exp. Better turn off the Ranking System, because it's an useless feature for NA servers anyway.

    Ranking system issue is also being investigated as a potential cause.


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