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Posts posted by Ganealf

  1. 21 hours ago, Get2ThePoint said:

    Summoners had their time. Their day is done. 



    Summoners had the shortest day in this game for a DD. If you didn't bot your summoner up when they first came out you missed the extra summons. By the time those of us that actually spent time lvling them got them up they were nerfed and they haven't been the same since. Nukers got power and its been years, Archers got power and its been years, daggers got power and its been years...get the drift. They messed summoners up and they never looked back. By the time they give them back any kind of power the game will probably shut down. 

  2. If you think you have the gear to with-stand the hits of mobs in any given area with just buffs and no heals for you, or debuffs on the mobs, more power to you. But, on the average an ISS makes it possible for you to survive and thrive in a given setting. Yes you can solo in a given area, then eventually you'll move to a higher area, then a higher area. No ISS means you stay in the place were you can do without one, or you get some very very good gear to go to the next lvl without one. But eventually you can't leave home without'em. 


    42 minutes ago, Aaliyah said:


    Except you forgot Lineage is a mass pvp game. Free gear is crap compared to what you really need to have fun.

    Nope didn't forget that. That's the part were you really need to spend some to get some. Getting the necessary adena to get the gear that's needed  for high end PvP is truly one of the main reasons why you might find yourself spending RL money. I don't PvP unless I have no other choice because I can't and wont try to keep up with the big spenders. They have crazy gear. Not all, but some. So, if you plan to lvl and just have fun, stick with what you can get from free stuff and whatever drops that may come your way. If you wish to do more...its gonna cost ya. Some find ways to make adena, then Ncsoft finds ways to squash that. This event that's running right now is about the same as any other. Buy a pack from L2, or use adena and buy some from the sellers in town and hope for the best. Somebodies gonna get some good stuff out of it, why not you.

  4. 17 hours ago, iVirtual said:

    first no error is fixed with another error
    the first mistake was not to fix the problem of other players forcing some of the AFK macro to be pk
    second mistake was to withdraw the penalty causing the following:
    players who chase others / players who don't like specific clans can kill the will without penalty
    let's say your clan is at war, but you want to experiment:
    before you left the clan to come back later and everything is fine, today even without a clan you are still being chased
    I could give several other examples, but it all boils down to:
      who has more strength decides who plays

    This is so very very true, and again it comes down to Ncsoft fixing the problem in such a way that the good get the bad end of the stick...again. I have only PK'd those who have pk'd my little toons that were out doing the afk macro in peace. I go red, go to any high lvl area and kill 1 mob, karma gone. Its just that easy. This BS about this being a PvP game is just that, BS. Dude has God jewelry, +25 weapon, highest lvl jewels. Yeah i'll go PvP him when he's red to try to kill him and then what happens if for some reason he decides to strip nekked and let me pk him...Nothing. He just laughs and keeps doing what he's doing. Its a joke. 

    Lets give a "for instance". Lets say a guy/girl is upset with a player in your clan and he can't find or kill that player, guess what his/her next move is? He/She finds all players on over-night macro in your clan and just goes red over and over and over with no repercussions. You find him/her do a quick pk and what happens? Nothing, they get up, rinse and repeat. If there's no repercussions for PK then why even have a Karma system. Its a wasted statement. The New Karma system should state that there is no karma system. No pk system makes your Harassment statement a joke. IF a player wants your spot, he brings in a toon to pk your party then comes back with the toon he plans to lvl and just sets up on top of you. How do you prove that? You can't. 

    Basically no repercussions makes the argument of "its a PvP game" mute. It explains nothing. With the new system why do you still have the war system up? Since you can pk anyone what does having a war up change? Not much. Other than a running tally of how many times I've killed your clan or how many times you've killed mine. Bragging rights I guess.

  5. Welllll, XP is only a nightmare if you're new to L2. For those of us that have been here for a long while this is pretty much the easiest xp ever. Remember we actually had to be behind the keyboard to get xp, you do not. That being said, indeed this game has all the potential in the world, but it seems the worst owners in the history of gaming. For an extremely old game all improvements seem to consist of making the same areas higher in lvl and throwing in some different mobs. Any fix seems to be to the detriment of the good players and supposedly in reaction to the bad players. Taking away passes to the Special Hunting Zones because some peeps decided to exploit it comes to mind. Making adena and getting drops has been hard in this game for a very very long time. I'm one of the mid-grade spenders. I accept the fact that to make adena I have to spend RL money. It is what it is. Many choose not to go that route and I have no problem with that. But with this game there isn't many options, they are giving you many free items at the moment, but doing Baylor with that gear will be trying. Basically the only way to enjoy this game is to make friends, join a good clan, do any of the dailies to supplement your adena and items, and  just try to have fun. This game has no real adena quest it just gives free gear. All else is pretty much on you. 

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  6. So, since whatever you did didn't fix the problem does that mean we have another week until next maintenance before you try something else? Is it possible that someone in this Ncsoft world actually feels they should be trying something new now? We're working on the third week here without an acceptable outcome and now we shall go another full week before you try something different. Its gotten to the point that all we can say now is...Typical Ncsoft. Thank you for a beautiful and rewarding game that you seem to wont to destroy every chance you get. Thank you very much.

  7. What i'd like to know is...wasn't there at lease one guy in the back with his hand up who then asked the question.."Hey guys, if we didn't let them have more than 3 clients at once because of the lag, exactly what will 3 times the amount of mobs do?". Guessing that guy was completely ignored. But one would think that the rest of you would have come to this conclusion also. Everybody in game knows exactly what the problem is, so how is it that those that run the game seem to have no clue? Show of hands game players, who thinks the lag is due to the number of mobs added to the game....(Everybody currently has their hands up). Now lets count the number of days it takes for Ncsoft to fix this simple problem.  

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  8. Whatever your ++ is when you start is what it becomes when finish. But you need to read up a bit on making your armor bloody because its only 100% if you start with a blessed piece of armor. Meaning, if you have a +8 non-blessed piece of armor and you have all the necessary items to make it bloody and you click.... It can fail and you lose all those mats. You keep the armor, it stays the same as whatever it was, but the mats that you used are alllll gone. Make sure your armor piece or weapon is blessed before you make this attempt. 

    • Like 1
  9. Yes when knocking on deaf's door they can't hear you,but they can feel you. They get the equivalent of a mega-bass vibration. DO YOU THINK WE CAN GET THAT MEGA-BASS SOMEWERE CLOSE TO @Juji@Hime?

    What occurs to me is they must have information of some type. How can you say "World Hero's for the month of December" if you don't have some type of update to start the Oly's in November? Which means when people ask about updates, changes, things that are soon to happen, you have some type of info, or we'll end up without hero's for a few months to come. You've already frozen Oly, sooo either you know whats coming or we wont be having Oly's for the next few months as you give us all lame *&#$ excuses. 

    We get that you don't have the time to answer all the random questions that are thrown at you on a daily bases, but saying you even answer one question a day is stretching it. WE are on the actual game forums here, so occasionally doing something to keep us informed isn't really asking to much. Why be a part of the forums if you never have time for the forums? Just as you do the weekly update, how hard would it be to actually update us weekly about whats going on in the game that we still play after all these many years. I'm sure I wont get an answer, but hey we keep trying, and trying, and trying....

    • Like 1
  10. The best example of chain gust on bosses is Octivas. On the first part were he runs in a circle I could do chain gust when the raid first starts and keep him in that spot the whole time. Maybe the game masters didn't like that, but if your tank had the right stuff on 5 secs of root, 5 secs til reuse. Failed every blue moon.. Now doesn't work at all. I could gather up the mobs in Altar and chain gust would keep them from roaming even when hate aura wasn't enough. Now I can keep a few, the rest keep trying to move away. Same thing every were now where I could once control, now a lot of control is lost. I do my single target hate on Bosses, no effect. Seldom lands. Tank is lvl106 with bloody gear and some good fixings :) .So the changes are there, would just like to know what they all are and why didn't they post them.

  11. I've noticed also that my chain gust does not work as often, and it has no affect on bosses at all. If changes were made to tanks we would like to know what they were. We've already heard about the mobs getting better stunn resistance, but did you also lower our stunn? It would be nice to know what all the changes were and what we as tanks need to do to improve our skills, short of coming up with God jewelry adena. 

    I'd like to think that this is all a part of the many mistakes you've made in this newest update addon, but more than likely i'll get your auto-answer.  THESE SKILLS ARE NOW WORKING AS INTENDED. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Daikon said:

    I've got your answer pal.

    Once you have a real live with work, kids and other priorities but playing this game is still a free time satisfaction, that's when we use macro. Why?

    You see, there's not a single thing in this game that is fast and casual. If you want to finish the very first exalted quest you have many, many, many days to spend in front of the PC for it. Leveling up you factions and farming anything take months. Quests worth doing are extremely tedious and time consuming if you're not extremely overgeared and can 1 shoot anything.

    Not boxing and finding another player that, also has a job that can afford playing this game, and thus have other priorities and his/her own time for gaming is another thing.

    So, that's why so many auto macro around. Cant play 24/7 and not willing to do the boring part of the game by hand.

    This auto macro/target is the best thing that they have done over the past 10 years as is bringing ppl back and getting them more $ from them.

    For your dream land to happen many things would have to change in this game.

    Fist of all, they have to aim at that sweet spot between profit and players satisfaction that they have left behind for years now and stop being greedy. That could happen, but not with the current management (juji, etc)

    But you just named all the reasons why you should be in a party. All the things you said will take time and lvl you. You didn't answer why you feel you need to macro or what you'll get out of it. And I believe at some point you began to assume something about whom I might be... Let me clarify. Rather young, 59yrs young to be exact, and i'm guessing I've probably worked longer than you've been alive.(an assumption)  But I believe you got lost in something that I typed. My question is, once you macro whats your end game. Do you plan to play with others at higher lvls? Do you plan to PvP? Are you macroing to get high enough to do more powerful area? Whats your endgame and lvl that you're reaching for? That's what i'm asking. So if you're macroing all day, when do you stop, and what happens then?

  13. OK, what I wish to know from all of the people out there now in macro mode, whats your end game? I don't get were everyone plans to go from here. If most of us are in macro and lvl'ing alone, or with friends while AFK what lvl are we looking for and what do we plan to do once we get there? Its like this, you have about 4 clans that pretty much farm all the big bosses, they spend the most money, they have all the major stuff, so what are the rest of us in macro mode for? We get to lvl110 and they'll be at lvl113. They farm the blood swords and get the 10b+ 4 days a week. If you take away the fact that i'm only playing because of the friends I've made and spending time with them...Why am I here? I still have a CP, I still try to do dallies everyday. We still do the lower bosses in single party raids to try to make some adena. Now if everybody goes to AFK macro it becomes that version of L2 that you play on your phone(which I never did). So what i'm asking is, if you're not actively looking for parties and just getting your xp from AFK macro....Why?

  14. The thing is this seems to be a specific type of lag because I have no problem just moving around in game. But once I engage anything I get lag. Have 1500atk. spd. and it looks like I have 200atk. spd. I'm killing my F-keys trying to make a given skill initiate. Game is currently unplayable. Logged off and went to watch TV. Going to log in again and see if there's any change. If not...Random movie here I come. 

  15. Not sure if it just me, but this seemed like the worst cloak event ever. I personally couldn't get a cloak pass +7. Seemed like they set It up to make you fail. You couldn't keep clicking like the last time they had the event. You had to do it like you're enchanting a weapon or armor. If it failed you had to re-click the enchant and put the cloak back in the box. Didn't work like this the first time they had cloaks. Since many of us did so much better that time, I guess the plan was to insure we didn't do well this time.. Their plan was successful. 

  16. The true concept of this game was lost a longggg time ago. Once PvP gear was introduced it pretty much took the average player out of the PvP game. If you can't keep up with the money events and the many PvP items that pop up, acting as if the "Open world" pvp has meaning is ridiculous. If this was a real PvP  open field rpg then anytime a PC ran upon you, may the best player win. That does not happen in this game. Haven't played classis yet, but i'm guessing unless they have introduced PvP gear that part of the game is pretty even. Such is not the case here. So yes, Ncsoft does promote griefing, and those of us that are geared to PvE just gotta deal with it. 

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