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  1. Not on Naia, on Chronos. DK is main class and you can't enter the Beauty Shop on main, but you can on subclass. My subclass was already "normal", since I didn't use any change pots or custom beauty alterations on it previously. By the way, worth noting: When you create a DK, the menu specifically states, "Flame Color." Not Hair. Not hairstyle. For once, NCSoft did exactly what it states. That said, it was worth a try. I used the dye pot on the main DK. I tried Dye B and Dye C. The transform lightshow happened, but there was no change. The DK stayed the same color. I didn't check to see if the subclass hair color changed. I also did not try the hairstyle dyes, since I don't have B or C of those. It's really short-sighted of them not to allow you to change the color of the fire. The Change Form toggle skill should have been used for that purpose, not just to look like a human with a DK pose.
  2. The hair dye won't change your DK color. Just tried it.
  3. Are you sure you can use ALL skills with a buster??? My clanmate tried one and told me that a couple of his skills did not work at all. He needed a cutter. Can you confirm with screenshot or something? I'd ask @Hermes for official word, but they rarely reply.
  4. I would stick with a DN, unless you have cash to burn. You will not find a Stage 1 Cutter for under 1.3T. You probably can't even get a +25 Limited Cutter for less than 800B. Last I checked, you can get a Stage 1 Stormer for less and still have adena left to add other essential upgrades. Yes, DK right now are awesome. But knowing NCSoft like I do, it won't last. Avoid FOTM classes like the plague. They are just a nerf away from run of the mill. Then if you truly want to play them because you like their style or whatever, that's when you should buy in. But not before. Slow and steady wins the race.
  5. Hmmm...something to ponder. I've never tried it, but most people choose Feoh Storm Screamer because of higher INT. DE natural magic attributes is wind and dark. If that person uses a DW with fire, earth, water, etc., maybe it is true that they are not truly maximizing damage. But what if they rolled a Feoh Elf or Human? The Elf gets water element skills, the human gets fire, iirc. While their base INT and matk is lower than DE, doesn't this mean that they would do more damage with a DW that matches their respective elements than a DE using a +21 - +23 Limited with Wind or Dark element? If I gave a Feoh Elf a Farfurion Retributor (500 Water Element) and matched it against a Feoh DE that had a Limited +24 Retrib (450 Wind), which would do the greatest damage? Also, don't Elf get more WIT naturally than a DE? Does that factor into equation? More WIT mean more magic skill crits, right? I realize that there are other skills that distinguish the two, but want to keep this simple, if possible.
  6. I have several of those pots (style and dye) in one of my WH on an old character that I no longer play. I'll see if it works after the servers are back online.
  7. Prices only go down when either the market is completely saturated with an item, or when people no longer care to play the characters that use that item -- usually due to nerfs and such. The prices for in-demand items never drop. They usually go higher. And then when you think they're high enough, players tack on another 10000% increase as part of the EGC conversion rate. All that to say, they'll probably get rid of the World Trading Post before we ever see reasonable prices for anything in there.
  8. The smart move was always to exchange the Black Coupons for one of the old Boss jewels, unless you broke a high OE angel jewel and wanted to restore it. Picking the time limited Karas Talisman or any of the consumables was an absolute fail from the start. If you can't keep it permanently, it's not much of a "gift."
  9. Back in the old days of L2 a character could substitute mage blunt and fighter blunt. And then they renamed them as staffs. Players have been screwed ever since. You can use a mage buster with a DK, but there are still some skills that you won't be able to use. I know, I tried it. Probably get the same results if you use an Avenger or a Stormer for that matter. You can hit a mob with anything, but at a certain point, if you want to kill fast, you'll need all of your skills and you only get that if you use a sword. That won't change. Maestro have the same limitation when it comes to one-hand blunt. Yes, they can use any fighter weapon, but they won't be able to use all of their skills. You'll see them grayed out on your bar. And your character will pause for a second if you put those skills on your macro. Instead of those skills firing off, your character will either stop or swing with a normal melee attack. No skill used.
  10. I don't get it. The exchange rate of Einhasad Gold combined with greed of players makes the World Trading Post completely useless. What is the point of having it, if no one can afford to use it? Why not just link the Auction Houses for both servers into one platform? At least that way you cut out the Gold exchange rate mark-up. I get that you can't do anything about player greed, but World Trading Post seems broken before it ever started.
  11. It's not just about weapon with DK. Just switched to 108 DK. Managed to hold own in Innadril 105+ using only cheap Elysium weapon from Red Libra. Had an OOP buffbot. I doubt you can do that with Feoh. I might kill faster with a better weapon, but going to stick with cheap solution until I get enough adena to switch Blessed Exalted weapon to cutter. Agree, DK is best.
  12. Is the cost of the buff more than the what the people who need it most earn in a day? If the answer is yes, then either the price needs to drop, or the amount of adena during Red Libra needs to increase. Or they need to give it for free as part of a Red Libra quest.
  13. @Arctic Please advise the Korea team that it still takes too long to get to 115. Each update should bring drastically better XP for low level areas. It should not take more than 48 hours of in-game time to get to 110, and no more than a 100 hours to get to 115 with basic equipment. No new players, i.e., happily spending customers, are going to want to play this game when all of the new content is 120+ and it will take them a year of both time and salary to get there.
  14. Speaking of support classes, seems to me one way to fix them would be to allow ISS and Healers to have more dual class certification skills, not less. Not only more types, but more levels, which can only apply to their support class.
  15. Ugh. You were doing so well unto you got to this point. If you have to change the way a class equips itself and plays to mirror a stronger class, then you are basically confirming that the imbalance exists. The simple reality is that the game is built on class imbalance. Full stop. People who play support classes should learn to accept it. NCSoft isn't going to do anything to dramatically change the dynamics of the game. Ever.
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