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  1. lets hope someone here knows how to fix this!
  2. TheScourge

    Spots To Farm

    i will suggest Silent Valley. you will be more efficient here
  3. for dmg, either of sws or bd. but for me, sws > bd cus of mp regen . who knows when u run out of mp? also sws better survivabilty cus of defensive buffs. domi for oop buff (vop/br) when farming in IOS since u wouldnt wanna waste adena if u pt the iss which im sure dont have prestige.
  4. wont happen. u can get insanity from crisis box if u farm hard enough
  5. is this the guy thats currently playing? lol
  6. im afraid this is the only info i gathered
  7. updated: OCt 5 - Red Libra Oct 26 - update
  8. seems Gms leak info to their friends or top customers lol. we'll see next week!
  9. Wish it can accumulate in a week. Reset to 60 mins after each maintenance. So we can do the 7hrs a week u give us in 1 go! ?
  10. I have reported those bots in an exploited spots last week. Went back there 4 hrs ago and they were gone. Hopefully forever... @Juji Keep a close eye on that bugged spot in blazing swamp pls.
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