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Posts posted by MrE

  1. I'm here to try and affect change in hopes of making a more balanced PVP system that the entire server can enjoy, not just the top 5%. 

    If you're happy with the current state of the game, great, stop commenting and bringing those down who aren't. These "Major Game Features" are also broken, and are new in comparison to the games age overall. Hence the thread trying to fix them. Dev's read these and the hope, is to start a conversation and have people come up with good ideas, not bash people and ask them why they play. If you have something constructive to share.. share it. If not.. then kindly keep your negativity to yourself as it doesn't help anything.   

  2. ok, lets say they remove HP cap, whats max hp? 200k? 300k? 

    Ok lets add in say.. max decrease in damage from bows... 80%

    I have a pdef as an SWS of around 75k, I have song of protection 80k, Song of archery, - 50% damage and more defensive - crit and crit damage you can shake a stick at.. My record.. for damage is over 2 million. 


    So lets say I have 350k Hp and 100k Cp. I have 80% damage reduction against archer.  The way NC soft does damage reduction isnt a true 100% damage reduction, if it were .. and you have 100% damage reduction.. it would be at 0. From what I can tell.. 100% damage reduction = 50% if you take 100% less damage it equates to half of what it originally was. 


    So with that in mind (and if someone has more correct stats please tell me) lets just ASSUME 80% damage is really 80% less damage. If An archer crits for 2mil. an 80% reduction will be 1.6 mil. I'm still taking 400k in damage. WITH Song of archery up. that leaves me 50k.. I survived.. until their second skill shot that will drop me..  any time that song isn't up.. dead.. every time. 

    Not to mention, what about the smaller clans? The people who dont have 10k to spend on new gear? the playing field needs to be brought back down to earth. Your suggestion enables NC soft to create 100 more items at a 2% chance to obtain through gambling.. err I mean loot boxes like this current event. Which I am honestly sick to death of.  



  3. Hey Devs... come on.. 12 emails is what I have to send to class change. PLUS you just made an event that littered our inventories with absolute garbage. INCREASE THE DAMN WAREHOUSE SPACE.. holy crap.. why is this that hard? And don't you DARE add it into the damn cash shop. Increase our inventories for the love of God, this is ridiculous, this is a problem YOU caused with your 1.8 billion items you continue to flood us with. 

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  4. I think the issue here, which I agree with is the availability of items. Rune stones, need to be an in game drop. Forgotten books, need to be an in game drop. You should not HAVE to pay for every little thing in game simply to advance basic fundamental skills of a character. Pay to win? Sure.. Pay for advantage? Ok... Pay to simple learn a skill is a joke. Anything that is an item IN game needs to be IN game, and not ONLY available in a cash shop. We used to farm what we needs.. Whole clans out trying to get drops to gear one person, much like TOI now. I'm fine with the Advanced rune stones being hard to get... at least they're attainable.

    All of the instance zones are also quickly being gobbled up by.. you guessed it.. MONEY paid zones.. oh you can have an hour for free.. want to go into a place that was free for 15 years? Well.. now it'll cost you money. 

    I'm pretty sure we can all agree this is quickly becoming BS.  

  5. https://imgur.com/UcJRzSZ

    Hello, My name is Gypsie Danger.. and I'm an Iss.

    I was in Strong Hold with Ishmila today in a Duo.... hoping to make what little adena is left in the game to make.. and we noticed a huge discrepancy in Adena.  

    Apparently the Adena proc ONLY counts for the DD.. not the party. 

    As a support class, the hits just KEEP ON COMING. Our damage is absolute trash (I've built my iss to solo.. I have lvl 30 forgotten skills, all DD equipment, god Jewels you name it.. and as expected... in comparison to other similarly geared dds.. I'm trash. So.. as an ISS, I can't make money myself, I get one shot in most mass PVP due to 1.5 million HP shots (Yes I have defensive equip), all crafting that you used to be able to do in game to make any money is gone.... and then Stronghold Adena was Nerfed, THEN... on top of all this.. SUPPORT DOESN'T GET AS MUCH ADENA IN PARTY?  


    What the &#$% is wrong with you NC Soft? Just delete all support classes and have everyone be an Archer... get it over with.. this is turning into a bad joke. 


    In the mean time.. FIX THIS SHI7

  6. 25 minutes ago, Murkan said:

    Good afternoon (using translator)

    I agree with you in some parts, the problem is also the imbalance of the classes, because players whoever they are, want to play with a class that encourages them to play, see that when NCsoft decides to privilege a class, a good part of the players start to join this class and to spend with this class. I am not against creating items and selling in the store, what I am against is the imbalance that these items promote, a player who plays Iss, Sigel and Healer, even though extremely equipped and buying all the items sold in the store and evolving them to the maximum, they will never actually enjoy these items sold in the store because a DD with the same item will always, always have advantages, because they have in their passive skills bonuses that always magnify the damage absurdly, as is the archer, as is Feoh, as is the Evicerator, since the other Tyrr near the Evicerator are nothing in high damage. Another mistake by Ncsoft was to increase absurdly the resistance and class defense that give high damage, see in this update the Evicerator is taking much more damage than before, resisting debuff much more than before. Feoh with the mana shield became a god in the game precisely for absorbing damage and allies to the items they sell, they take advantage, archers too. See for example in the PVE places, you will see Sigel, you will see sigel, but they are only there to use his ability to provoke mobs with the skill provoke aura, so he gathers everyone together and so the Feoh and Archers make the party. But if you look further, you will see Feoh, Archer enduring a PVE without Sigel without any problem, and only use Healer because NCsoft decreases the mana healing when killing a mob. In short, what spoils the PVE is the class imbalance, the absurd damage advantages that NCsoft has been adding to DDs, creating items to further increase this damage. The number of items that benefit DDs, such as items that are immune from damage, or items that absorb damage. Sigel's debuff was weakened in a pvp fight, I know that because I play Olympics, and even fighting with less equipped players I see that my debuffs even being + 10% chance fail absurdly. Defense-enhancing items could benefit Iss, Healer and Sigel, but in the end they do benefit DDs. Since they only need to stay alive longer to kill and with such items and etc., they get this time...

    I 100% agree with you, that's why I was trying to come up with something that would level the playing feild a bit. Should an ISS hit as hard as a Nuker? No... should an ISS be one shot all the time.. HELL NO.

    With this idea.. it caps the max damage, however, it also promotes support (more debuffs on target = DD hit harder) and heals. This makes the support classes relevant again. While still allowing all those DD's that spent 10k on their toons, to still do obscene damage, they just need debuffs on a target to do it. This also makes the (not being able to be debuffed skills) ultra important, as well as purge and the like.. further making support.. important and relevant again. 

    NC soft has destroyed everything in this game except damage in favor of selling items that we all buy to keep up. I think its time to take our game back..and use our voices to have them make some changes. First and foremost.. lets try and make our game fun again, instead of some rat race s&*t show where its ONLY about who spent the most money.

  7. On 5/16/2020 at 2:17 AM, Harperz said:

    you don't get my point. there needs to be a relation between hp and max damage or it wont work

    What relationship are you talking about? Remember in this model, debuffs stack and increase max damage. Not trying to discount what you're saying.. as I would LOVE to come up with something most players like. Just trying to understand what you're getting at.  


    On 5/13/2020 at 4:19 AM, Harperz said:

    don't you think that will benefit characters or classes with much hp? some classes are glass cannons so they need high damage to have any use. tyrrs will benefit the most in this update with over 200k HP :D and they hit you for 20k easy...


    Yes.. it would... that is the exact point of having a class like a tank.. it is a TANK.. it is supposed to be hard to kill. This also enables with one on one battles to outlast full skill pops. Archers and mages still have a huge advantage as they are more mobile and faster.. so yes.. god forbid if it would require them to use tactics instead of just pew pew. 

    Right now during swords.. Archers stand.. they don't move and just auto attack aoe and kill everything. its a joke... something needs to be done.   

    Healers would be impossible to kill with this system however.. .which is why they need to 100% bring back mana burn. 


    In regards to Nukers having a bazillion hp with mana shield.. what are they going to do without mana? nothing.. 

  9. 800$ I got ONE lvl 4 jewel box ONE Destruction Weapon scroll  One Intermediate Forbidden.. and... potions/roses. 


    These rates are a joke and need to be advertised per chance of item so we can make informed decisions on what we spend our money on. You do it for Koreans... why are we left in the dark? 

  10. The issue isn't individual its the actual server NC Soft. When you first reset the server.. Melee lag is gone. give it about an hour or two when everyone logs back in... Melee is back to being absolute crap. 

    I was utterly amazed at my attack speed last week with duals when there wasn't any server lag.. It has been so bad for so long I had forgotten what the actual game mechanics are supposed to be like. 

    Your inability/ refusal to do anything.. is crushing Melee characters. Boost Tyrs with the last patch for skills.. is not a fix. most get the damage from melee.. not skills.. Has anyone on the team ever played this game and know how it works?  

  11. Pvp isn't hasn't been fun in a long time... its no longer pvp.. its ganking. 500k to 1.5 million hp shots are too common and the game is skewed to the top 5% of the server that spends 100k on gear. I propose the following changes:

    1. Cap PVP Damage at 20k per hit 

    2. Allow debuffs to increase that cap. (Meaning you do 20k damage, with assault crash and chaos symphony debuff on an enemy you would then be able to do 36000 damage per hit) This would also mean, if you stack someone with debuffs, your 500k one shot hit still exists. 

    This does multiple things, it allows support classes to actually be useful.. their debuffs will be a huge part of PVP as well as heals meaning something. Smaller "hits / attacks" from lower level toons will also be much more impact-full making the PVP MUCH MUCH more realistic. One archer should NEVER kill an entire party with one AOE.. it's stupid. This would allow a group of lower geared players to kill one of those 100k geared players through sheer numbers.    

    Pvp should be much more tactical, it would allow the use of skills like traps, going into and out of hide, NEEDING support to do massive damage and increase the "fun" factor for everyone. I lower level character that does 1k per hit to a higher geared toon when they skill out with BR and Brooch and whatever else, would actually be contributing, going to kill them? No? Help.. yes.  

    And for those top geared people who are going to QQ... think of this. How fast can you go through skills? 10 skills.. anyone is dead.. that not a "long" fight, you'll still be op.. others will just have a chance. 

  12. Not sure if this thread has been beaten to death but ISS need a HUGE PVE Buff. Damage dealers can 1 and 2 shot mobs, they don't need support as they can simply pop pots (or buff themselves because EVERYONE has buffs now) and then solo to victory, where as our damage is not very good. I'm 109, my gear is very good.. I'm built for max PVE damage and I cant hold a candle to a DD. This means no one will take you to storm and farm WITH you because they can all do it themselves and make double the money. When clannies party with you, it's out of pitty and because they need us for PVP. While strong in mass pvp, it doesn't matter if we can't level ourselves like EVERYONE ELSE can.  It's such a simple fix, give us a PVE damage boost, either by a toggle or simply a passive. it's such an EASY fix. Why do DD's get buffs, NC soft literally gave everyone the skills that made enchanters useful, if you're going to give them buffs, give us their skills or boost our damage!! Or at the very least put our PVE damage on par with theirs.  

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  13. Its not bug u need to wait a few sec's once u throw flag up to get clan skills up. The drums turn into sonatas which last longer when flag is up, but try to avoid doing ur drums because ur drums r actually better then the frenzy sonatas. And to answer ur question yes the domi can buff clan when flag is up out of party, and also if ur buffing different party's with flag and u throw up a ditty to that player/party that whole party gets that ditty but not clan.

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