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metricblu3 last won the day on June 6 2019

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  1. Just when you think they cant fck this game any more... they proved us wrong... They keep pushing us to quit eventually... and you are right Frank .. Juji is one heck of a lot better admin ... he's not ignorant and he cares for the community a lot more than now..
  2. STOP GIVING PEOPLE A HEART-ATTACK!! .. unless they are dumb
  3. There is a solution to this ... a good buddy told me this hack .... RE-INSTALL WIN10!!!
  4. Lineage 2 has stood the test of time. All these years, many people depended on other sites for the information on Race/Class/Skill/Items etc. With L2Wiki.com practically gone, though its not a perfect site we have lost all information on how to do many things. We need a database updated by NCsoft with comprehensive information about everything in-game. This will be very helpful for people who may want to give this game a try and for veteran players too!
  5. @Aleppo thank you for your concern bro It seems fine for the past 3 days .... Im thankful Its just that this 'shutdown' period would be unbearable if my favourite game cant work .... @Juji Sorry for losing my mind back there .. lol
  6. Same issues here ... Im an American based in Japan and now suddenly I CANT LOG IN!!!... @Juji ..We are chasing to level up our toons in the bonus XP event period .. In fact, I have bought the BigVit pack a few times especially for that reason! Dont tell me you guys are going to resolve this after next maintenance WHICH IS AFTER THE EVENT!! Please consider to extend the event due to this unacceptable oversight on your part... Are players outside of North America less valuable? Should I bother to buy NCoins anymore? Please feel free to look at my purchase history especially during this event... Thank you
  7. @Felinty Great idea about Red toons losing attack abilities.
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