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Posts posted by xer0ff

  1. There has really been something happening. I ran full boost in storm island Thursday evening, and last night. Last night I was easily 250T worth of exp down compared to the night before. That's 41T/hour difference. When I'm running full boost and not getting what I've basically paid for and paid for the instance...............

  2. 5 hours ago, err0r said:

    p.s. I think agument no work coz im 109 lvl , mb this agument works for more then 110 lvl but juji didnt tell nothing abaut 

    Last patch, equpping a Super augment < Lvl 110 and the passive skill wouldn't be listed,
    This patch, equipping a Super augment < Lvl 110 and the passive skill is listed.

  3. 26 minutes ago, AliG said:

    @Hime @Juji

    You said rank system will be back. Only the rank system? Or you fix also the rank system buffs???

    Well they dev's have had plenty of time to fix that while adding the ranking system back surely 9_9


    On another note @Hime @Juji - I for one would love to see some more L2 store items, Party Cake packs, the big erupting/maintaining x50 pack etc. Would be nice to go along with this EXP boost :x

  4. This is getting beyond stupid. I've probably lost more EXP today than gained, having to keep sending my ISS back to town to rez dead toon because keeps dying from the lag.

    There is nobody actually monitoring the server after such update? I've not once seen one update go smoothly, so why is nobody monitoring the server over the weekend?

    I've used a lot of consumables today. I highly doubt I'll see any compensation.

  5. I agree,

    There's been an issue with buff potions, sometimes can be 30 seconds before I even get the new set. (And this is after xx:00 of the hour).
    I've noticed macro next target is being slow.
    I've also noticed skill macro being very slow inbetween skills.

    This has been happening on and off ever since the launch, but I feel like things are getting worse as the days go by.

    I would like to see an server base exp boost for the inconvience please.

  6. I want to be able to read ally/clan chat, but atm with this new system, all I read is toxity this and WTS/WTB that.

    Force hero chat in my system window by all means, in fact give me one tab where I can decide what chat I want to see (I.E clan/ally).

    The bows for ranked, only happens for the 1 person Ranked 1?

    Also I noticed on other overseas versions, their chat system includes "Rank" next to the char name, maybe a throhpy. I don't see that here. Is that in the next update?

    • Like 1
  7. This has also happened on 3 PC's, though not at the same time, nor same place.




    History: User::IsMe <- RevivePacket <- ClientCmd <+ size:4, disassem:4 <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <+ Protocol Name=S_REVIVE <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- CMainLoop::UpdateTheWorld <- MainLoop

    Code [EXCEPTION_READ_VIOLATION  DataAddress:0x000005E8]
    Address [0x201306B8]
    SegCs [0x0023]

    Engine.dll [0x20000000] Offset [0x001306B8]



  8. 1 hour ago, Draecke said:

    @Juji / @Hime can you please advise which of the new XP field areas is supposed to be for party play ? as from what I can see only Fafurion temple some what fits that description but that's for level range past 115 so where are parties supposed to XP after lvl 110 ?

    please consider having a server base XP boost event to allow parties and solo players to push on, particularly now that for party play we're forced to still XP on green/blue mobs in Sea of Spores..


    Yes, please advise where to exp after 110, I know I can go solo anywhere I want, but I enjoy being part of a party, and exp'ing my support too.

    The Fafurion temple mob update... Nobody could really kill efficently there before the patch, and deffinetly not after the patch.

    Also, seems the server rank buffs are bugged. Nobody has them.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Juji said:

    It is not a bug. Dev made this part of the update. I have a request in with them to change it.

    Thank you!



    15 minutes ago, Healingbewbs said:

    Umm.. /block <heroname> ^_^

    You can actually use "/block hero" and it will block all hero chat.

    Scrap that, you can't. My client lagged out.

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