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Posts posted by Kasemets

  1. 25 minutes ago, ohfuggle said:

    I feel like they find out what's coming Tuesday, then scramble to get a fun little graphic up and translate everything.

    I mean what else are you doing all day over there? Clearly not in-game watching ponies ravage everyone trying to xp.

    They are probably playing or managing other games that NCsoft have. How else do you explain the utter absence of any response in these forums. Every once in a blue moon they come in here and answer some random totally useless stuff and off they go again. That also explains the total disconnect of the events and the state the game is in. For them classic is alrdy dead, they are milking what they can and when it doesnt return profit anymore they will close the server and move on.

    Edit: For clarity sake, do you honestly expect them to "invest" in this 15 year old game when the current market rage is all about mobile.

  2. There is really a bleep simple solution to this. Make teleport system not function while in combat and disable pet command while mounted. Atleast half of the problems would be taken care of. As to why NCSoft doesnt want to implement such an easy fix that a 6 year old could do, well thats anyones guess. And mixa, unless you speak and read korean/japanese/whatever, or you have somebody you know that does, how can you claim statistically that others regions dont complain about it as much?

    Edit: typo

  3. 2 hours ago, Mishi said:

    Juji might hear back from them, then again might not. 
    Either way, NC KR cares about 0.000001%
    NC West cares about the community about 1%. 
    Juji cares more than the company(s) it seems, which causes Juji to get all the hate, when just trying to help.


    From the live stream, he made it seem like he had alot of say in what comes and what doesnt come to NA classic. So what happened?

    In any case, he could be a little more responsive in forums. He barely says anything and only when things have gotten really out of hand.

    And patch/event notes come until after the maintenance is complete, what is this? I mean which other company does that?

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  4. 57 minutes ago, Hector11 said:

    you obviously think about yourself by offering the most stupid idea of the limitations of level or vip , so if i got vip4 or vip1 or no vip and maybe i am 39 lvl so will not I be able to participate? Event is for everyone and everyone has a chance to get some reward and will have an incentive to play does not get that he is currently pay to win at the moment

    If the +16 items are removed, that by itself is already a limit, no reason to bring level ones anymore.

    And I am glad that @Juji responded. There is yet hope for this situation.

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