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Everything posted by cmquake

  1. https://www.lineage2.com/news/beleths-forgotten-spellbooks "Your skills will remain should you reawaken your Dual Class through Raina in the town of Talking Island or through Elder Green during the Red Libra event (when active). The skills are also maintained after using the Chaos Essence item to change the diversification of your class. These passive skills are also active during Olympiad and Ceremony of Chaos."
  2. I've been playing for over an hour now. Login server is fine, just can't connect to the game server now suddenly after logging in with another account.
  3. This does feel "exceptionally rewarding" somewhat for f2p so who knows how much time we have....
  4. ..speaking of Balok, you can also camp for his scaled down R95 equivalent Guillotine of Death @ the Guillotine Fortress. It's a three stage raid that's super easy to do with gear and none too hard with a proper party with regular gear. Spawns something like (on average) 36 to 40 hours but he's usually dead in a min or two as people who know about this raid leave low level boxes on the plateau to spy, jump and slaughter. Drops BEAR, BEWR, Ancient Dyes and full R95 weapons to name a few of the good stuff.
  5. Well, one suggestion (if you have the time and nothing to live for ) is to level 85 toons and get their Adventure Guild factions to at least Level 4 and finish Herpah's quests. You will end up with 3 jewels (4 if you go all the way to 6 but it's a rather lengthy amount of time to spend). Convert them to Jewel Powder and sell to the market... several hundred million per toon.
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