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Everything posted by AshesOfAden

  1. Check notes in korea as these wont say anything.. Only with ninja @Juji nerfs , "lead producer" aint got a clue whats going on, give me a break.. That only tells us that juji have 0 influence in the game he just copy paste files from korea translated to english.. They will rework Artelia , we will get ability to enchant Epic Talisman and feoh soultakers will get their summons reworked and other crap so nothing fantastic to expect. P.S. If you are lazy to use google translate in korean update site go to Core website and look back 3-4months back that's what we get as juji is always behind
  2. They already added new mechanics for new players its called pay 2 win. I think L2 is banned in Belgium and Netherlands due to promoting gambling on boxes.
  3. They try they best to make us hate this game P.S. Also could you shed some light on Neutral Zone as there was no reply/update yet?
  4. If they are desperate to make money they have to hire someone who knows what he is doing.. And sales will skyrocket !! As now 4k NCcoins which is 40£ they are trying to give 36dawns and 40scrolls!!! *** (swearword) Its just a joke.. 40scrolls... When @Hime left probably he took last bit of common sense with him... @Juji bring Hime back please !
  5. Well look at this promo... Seems to be they are taking pi**.. 38dawns for 4k nc.. its cheaper to sell NC and buy dawns.. https://www.lineage2.com/news/circlet-and-dragon-shirt-upgrade-packages The guy who makes prices must be lost in life.. @Juji@Arctic @EMpulse is this is a joke?
  6. Its a typical Jujis Ninja nerf , don't expect them to fix this, I still remember jujis words about treasure chests, "we will remove treasure chests temprorary" well its nearly 3years now , so same with NZ its a solo area now as tanor gives more adena than NZ I think Juji just tries to make this game fail so he could het redundancy or retirement, As 0 intentions given from him or them two who replaced @Hime, they cant even copy/paste properly..
  7. Give up, we tried , they don't give a F*k
  8. If you have time and patience to sue them, go on , as it will take more than 3 years by the time one of them show up at court as they would do like Bliz did when they been called ,just ignore invitations to court as they know the law..
  9. I've told you its Juji's idea to give dandy balls ! you got me on this @Juji
  10. Oh I bet Juji told Artic to give dandy balls last time, -Artic: Server crashed we finally fixed this , need a compensation for a players/customers? -Juji: Meh.. given them Dandy Balls if you want..
  11. Well game is crashing,getting maintanances at least we go at Forum to spend some quality time
  12. Well DC might be from your side also as you service provider got crappy cables as mine spins without dc(only when someone messed up with server files) , PK is part of the game so tough sh1t
  13. Let me think... Never! I would say They cant be asked to log in and switch makro on in Fantasy Isle to give buffs
  14. I would like to agree but I will disagree as GMbuff would be nice for a lost time and everyone's pc was running through the night last night when someone messed up and crashed server as its defo not amazons server which crashed, And today's 30min notice when whole Europe left they pc running to farm and ppl are in bed sleeping while PC is spinning electricity just to get 2% exp but instead they will get DC in the morning once they will check PC
  15. Seems its not over yet ,2 out of 3.. Incoming Emergency Maintenance - 2/3
  16. I have sent and subminted error throught critical error panel so it should be visible
  17. Version: EP50_Global,LL_s,V2110409,338 BuildDate: Wed Jan 12 07:37:41 2022 Time: 2022.2.1 14:59:42 [GTick=452195,LGTicks=348610,Duration=72578] PosCode: -8983:78873:-3471 ZoneName: Neutral Zone OS: Windows 10(64) 10.0 (Build: 9200), Service Pack 0.0 CPU: AuthenticAMD AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor @ 3713 MHz RAM: 32693MB RAM CPUInfo: 24,12,24,1 Memory: 1287736KB PrivateMemory: 3558472KB Video: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 (1123), DX v4.9r904 Option: 1902x991__W0_H0A0K__ Scene: 0_-1_114075 Stat: 5 Replay: 0_1 WorldRaid: 0_0/0 ClientSocketClosed: 452195 NPAuthSocketClosed: 0 Sev: 15_Chronos (GMT-2) VideoResources: 201 MB MAC: F4-AE LANG: ENGLISH IME: ??? Error: Protocol: C_VALIDATE_POSITION(24, 0) <= C_VALIDATE_POSITION(24, 0) <= S_MAGIC_SKILL_USE(75, 0) <= S_MAGIC_SKILL_USE(75, 0) <= S_NPC_INFO_ABNORMALVISUALEFFECT(15, 0) <= S_NPC_INFO(29, 0) <= S_ATTACK(53, 0) <= S_ATTACK(53, 0) <= S_STATUS_UPDATE(23, 0) <= S_STATUS_UPDATE(18, 0) History: NConsoleWnd::ShowDamageText <- UDamageTextManager::ShowDamageText <- UGameEngine::ShowDamageText <- ExMagicAttackInfo <- ClientCmdEx <+ size:12, disassem:12 <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <+ Protocol Name=S_EX_MAGIC_ATTACK_INFO <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- CMainLoop::UpdateTheWorld <- MainLoop Exception: Code [EXCEPTION_WRITE_VIOLATION DataAddress:0x00000000] Address [0x178B943D] SegCs [0x0023] NWindow.DLL [0x175C0000] Offset [0x002F943D]
  18. When we get libra event? It was ages from last one @Hime @Juji
  19. Version: EP50_Global,LL_s,V2110409,338 BuildDate: Wed Dec 01 05:35:52 2021 Time: 2021.12.28 10:05:01 [GTick=6747,LGTicks=6747,Duration=66] PosCode: 0:0:0 ZoneName: OS: Windows 10(64) 10.0 (Build: 9200), Service Pack 0.0 CPU: GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz @ 2596 MHz RAM: 16260MB RAM CPUInfo: 8,4,8,0 Memory: 364614KB PrivateMemory: 940036KB Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (9709), DX v4.9r904 Option: 1888x984_MW0_H0A0K__ Scene: 0_0_0 Stat: 2 Replay: 0_1 WorldRaid: 0_0/0 ClientSocketClosed: 6747 NPAuthSocketClosed: 0 Sev: 15_Chronos (GMT-2) VideoResources: 36 MB MAC: 59-71 LANG: ENGLISH IME: ??? Error: Protocol: S_CHARACTER_SELECTION_INFO(594, 0) <= S_LOGIN_RESULT(11, 0) <= C_LOGIN(51, 1) <= S_EX_QUEUETICKET(10, 2) <= S_EX_QUEUETICKET_LOGIN(6, 170) <= C_EX_QUEUETICKET_LOGIN(41, 185) <= S_VERSION_CHECK(28, 186) <= C_VERSION(275, 202) History: UObject::ProcessEvent <+ (EventletterCollectorWnd Transient.EventletterCollectorWnd, Function Interface.EventletterCollectorWnd.OnRegisterEvent, 0x150907A0, 0x00000000, 0, 0) <- XMLDataManager::CreateFrameWndScript <- XMLUIManager::CreateWindows <- XMLUIManager::ReloadUIScripts <- NConsoleWnd::ReloadUI <- NConsoleWnd::Tick <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- CMainLoop::UpdateTheWorld <- MainLoop Exception: Code [EXCEPTION_READ_VIOLATION DataAddress:0x3C520000] Address [0x150908C6] SegCs [0x0023] Core.dll [0x15000000] Offset [0x000908C6]
  20. "Give less, earn more" that's the motto of NCwest Stop taking this game to seriously , play L2 in background and go play something playable (where you actually can play and enjoy) not just watching auto hunting toon
  21. yup , first opening was great of classic after they decided to implement auto and killed game
  22. True I should be aware of that by now..
  23. Not sure what you talking about does exp event disturbs you from meeting with family? Dude push ALT+Z and go see your family.. geez thats why we got autocombat so the game is like mining bitcoins u just come to check if anything happened from time to time and clearly you can spend time with family 100% as this game doesnt require you to play as it plays itself.. @Juji @Hime Just a lot of ppl were upset when logged in before maintenance to spend last L2M coins as it has been removed from craft few hours before maintenance??
  24. So you can buy some "snowman Same like last year event boxes" from newbies and give them adena on next weeks event And that's the way how new items generated in game strong ppl get stronger and richer, newbies get's peanuts and have to buy your opened box items for triple the price
  25. If someone know Korean , send a dispute about NCwest staff problem solved
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