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Everything posted by AshesOfAden

  1. Agree costs of living increased across the globe and NC sales for digital goods increased , they won't help themselfs to make prices more affordable, its not a rocket science to lower the prices to generate more sales, I blame new GM's arctic and empulse since hime left and them two came a long to replace one guy??? sales get even worse than they were before but that's only my opinion, they might have some common sense but they gaffa wont let them do anything, Anyway spend less money and less time on this dying game, forum reflects current situation of the game , and by removing topics and comments they just make things worse as people's voices have been silenced like dictatorship and people just leaving game one by one..
  2. Idea is good but Lineage 2 as a game already losing sales , so its just time question when they will shut it down ,mobile game lineage peaking at the moment, If I was getting bread from NC i would be worried, as only korean part makes decent profit from PC game.
  3. Well at least after R4W Spam everyone is self aware now
  4. As I said I was expressing my view, not criticizing anyone just saying its "your own decision so you have to be more focused or face the consequences" But totally agree with you on this as NC have to do something , but as I have mentioned earlier removing Adena limit will destroy the game completely, there is no new players coming to the game only returning players or players coming from illegal server to try officials and they wont be able to catch up even in 10years as prices will be 750T for an items and mobs will still drop 15k-45k adena.. There is not a lot of us (players) left in Lineage 2 community and our community probably contains peoples in mid 20-30's and its shrinking pretty fast , so probably when game will hit another decade (probably even before) game will die. As there is 0 intentions to attract new players and 0 intentions to make Lineage 2 MMORPG game again, as IDLE game have been made for our generation who have jobs and etc. Anyway coming back to topic , hope he will get his Items back and will pay more attention next time , as it would be sad to lose one more soul in this struggling game.
  5. Thats a strong entrance, its not a rap battle I just pointed my view, Yes I have seen his hero message everyday now.. That's like Divenkio thing I have had few months ago I don't know who would fall for it but probably there is some who can't read.. And yes if I would gave him my items it would be my fault not someone elses.. If people can't read and giving items away then you still live in 2008 , as back then it was popular to do so.. and people still fell for it.. Soon people will type " I'm admin give me your items I will enchant then for you" And I give you 100% there's will be bunch of people who will fell for it..
  6. I give you 1000+ points for this , Back in the day when game had more content to offer and you could "play and earn" things ,adena limit was +-2b and everything worked well as there was loads of items and million times more trades have been made.. Adena limit was increased only in late(kamael+) patches when items from NPC started to cost near adena limit that was the only understandable reason to increase limit. Not because someone decides prices are 7T or 3T...
  7. I'm not saying that it is ok that he took your items(i won't say scam as you give it away by your own will) Just imagine this situation in real life , you haven't seen me ever in your life and you selling me your phone so you will send me your phone with dpd or any parcel delivery service and I will pay you later.. Imagine saying that to police..
  8. What I can say if they remove Adena limit that will f***k game completely... item which costed 15T will cost 50T or 750T.. Put more items in servers to reduce these silly prices.. problem solved.. so your item which cost 8T will cost 900B max or even less as there will be more items available.. In your case I agree with catapve if you dont know how to sell items with silly price tags don't sell them and dont blame people for scaming , as he did a trade and you have pressed OK to finish trade. Its your decision so you have to feel consequences..
  9. Well , there is not a lot people who could enjoy these changes as 122lvl players you can count on one hand fingers (actually there is just 1 in chronos) @Juji are you going to update your post to add more details or we just have to wait when updates come? https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/24627-upcoming-content-currently-in-development-live-server/
  10. 112 zone crowded with 120lvl toons..
  11. Times are really stupid for dethroned its shouldn't be like this , middle of the day that's when its should be not midnight, As nobody even goes to pvp areas and dethroned is dead , ppl just leaving toons in non pvp areas even if its 10lvl lower mobs just to be able to farm all night... In my case it starts 23.00 (i know I'm not in servers GMT i got few hours diff chronos) I'm one of the many who don't even bother going to dethroned its more safe to leave toon somewhere else for a night.. But totally agree midnight dethroned is craziest thing ever , 0 action and you rely on others when leaving toon and going for a sleep.
  12. Deleted like all other comments which they do no like
  13. That stings pal.. Well at least we know they ncwest don't care about us 0 replies to this topic so we won't achieve anything like we did last time , it was just pure luck that they reduced prices by 3% on night market coin items and removed exalted scrolls which were more expensive that on regular shop prices.. that was funny when one scroll costs 40nccoins they made a sale 1 scroll for 200coins..
  14. Guys I know why they are doing insane prices , its part of meme event , Since I'm 18 I can increase prices?:D To be serious ignorance to general problems same as I ignore my wife when she says its my turn to was dishes Alright lets be serious now , prices is over the roof last event you could make cloack with 30£ now you need 90£.. and pound a bit higher than $ so its more expensive since there is no conversion..
  15. I blame new GM's bring @Hime back..
  16. Learned from mistakes when people floods forum..
  17. From 24 replies in topic to 8replies... ncfilter
  18. Lol no winners in previous sweepstake and no winners in this sweepstake..
  19. Hi chaps, I guess thats the new content about which juji announced earlier? https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/24627-upcoming-content-currently-in-development-live-server/ Korean patch,
  20. Its probably a typo as usual , as those scrolls currently are from +10 to +20
  21. Also why dead Aden gets all PRIME stuff?
  22. What are you trying to say , juji trying to screw us over? Nah , he never would do that apart from last 10years.. Myself I'm playing in both , as soon as I catch up in EU probably will do same , as further it goes less playable NCwest is also @Hime left so last bit of common sense left with him ^^
  23. Also what do you mean: Removed duplicated items from the Attendance Checklist Event. As we already claimed those duplicated 5hour runes..
  24. Its upsetting when they give us free event which states "LOVE" and "RESPECT" but all you get from NCstaff is a dropkick in your face with those prices..
  25. Prices for cloak enchants are stupid , x5 enchants for 600nccoins , I'm not surprised that black market makes more profit than NCsoft.
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