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Everything posted by IDummy

  1. I meant equal to a +8.. You should cut your brake lines since you responded to a post and didnt know the answer... and didnt bother correcting me.
  2. Can U fix the inventory limit when switching from main to dual? Buying inventory slots does nothing, as if its only calculated based on inital slots.. I have 152 slots now but cant switch unless I have 82 items or less.. wth is that? If you cant fix it to read current available slots either remobe restriction or make it 1% or something.
  3. dont worry, If ncsoft makes farmable event that macro toons will benefit from they will have item to farm with sold in ncstore.
  4. I hears if you upgrade a R99 +12 to 110 you lose 2 enchants, so ends up +8. Dunno about higher enchanted R99 tho.
  5. +1 Game has gone to utter crap, no quest lines that have evolved.. Should of made or revamped quests to include a tree of IFs... if I do this, guest goes this way.. also random order of quests for people to mix things up.. But not, smash afk and pay game.. probably dumming down the population to try to intergrate all servers together.. mobile and pc.. just like stupid console games that run 1/4 the power of PCs and have the fraction of the content because of what you can do with a controller vrs keyboard and mouse. I dont think the devs are worth anything, constantly unbalancing game, making mistakes, and taking away huge parts of the game to get people 1-105 as if everyone should enjoy end game type content when they havent put in the time... such a joke.. they dont even revamped the noobs areas, have only 1 lvling spot where you can only get quest items, take another hit of the crack pipe dev team... Open up more areas, revamp elpys, beehive, and all other areas you bypassed.. this isnt classic server and u put in system which makes low level areas obsolete...
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