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Everything posted by Zvr

  1. ROFL at those who think that banning 20 people that spend money and cheat will destroy servers, actually when people hear that gm's actually ban people and servers are starting to look what it used to be 10 years ago, that is only reason they may return. I have lots of rich friends who play other games or illegal servers and say "I wouldnt touch anything on ncwest with all bots, corruption and lack of gms", which might play here if servers were without cheaters and normal to play. Problem is servers have bad reputation for years and would take some time to lose it.
  2. Already wrote in other topic but to repeat for those with slower learning capabilities. To sum it up, some people asking that you cant participate in sieges unless you have wars and yet they hold castles for months on alt clans with no wars. Hypocrisy at its finest form
  3. To sum it up, some people asking that you cant participate in sieges unless you have wars and yet they hold castles for months on alt clans with no wars. Hypocrisy at its finest form
  4. if I remember correctly if your stance doesn't match element of weapon, element of weapon wont be applied.
  5. Because this is place with biggest amount of sheep of all servers. Only place where they can do what they do, all other regions would protest or stop buying coins
  6. Archmage doesn't have holy stance
  7. None forced people to pk, they did it on their own and no cleaning of pk should be done
  8. When i said company i meant NCWest, I do share your opinion when you say Korea has no clue whats happening here, mailing them might help if we do it in massive amount but i think if we stop spending $ and half income, their heads will turn in our direction faster and they will start asking questions whats going on.
  9. As they say: "As long as there are sheeps, there wont be shortage of wool". We don't deserve to be treated better since we continue to buy ncoins and reward their poor work. $$ is all they care and we continue to give them that although everyone is displeased with company state. Only thing they care for and listen is sound of $$$, if we would stop buying ncoins for a month they would start doing what we want. But since we all know how toxic and full of hate l2 community is, that is just a wishful dream.
  10. @JujiPutting in game for next 2 weeks red cat elysium buffer with 8h buffs would be really nice gesture from your side
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