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Everything posted by Enthused

  1. As Jon stated, there is a bot program that automatically rezzes you upon death, teleports you right back to the farm spot, and begins farming again. This is especially important in a very heavy PK game, that these servers will end up being. Not many people used this on EU, but some did. If you are the one pking them, you quickly realize that you are wasting your own time, because you cannot stop them from farming.
  2. I can vouch for OP here. He has spent more money and put more time into Essence (Aden) servers than most.
  3. Good to see you on here my man . Although have seen other familiar names already as well. This community sure is small!
  4. The biggest worry that people should have here is that the premium currency used to buy the necessary p2w items, L2 Coins, will not be dropping from mobs. This directly translates to the F2p and low spending players having very little, if any, access to the currency that is required to compete. Farming adena will not be enough for these players to ever catch up, at any point during this project's lifespan. Never. The premium currency that is used to purchase p2w items, L2 Coins in the case of these servers, MUST also drop from mobs. It doesn't have to be a lot, but it has to be enough to pay for 100% rezzes when you die, and enough to feasibly catch up within a certain amount of time. I have played on 3 different Official Essence servers (known as Aden servers in KR and NA), these being Red, Blue, and Rose. These servers did not have premium currency on mob drop. I have played on 2 different Private Essence servers (I won't mention names). These servers did have premium currency on mob drop. I have played on these 5 servers, and I can tell you from experience, the difference between them in terms of the player population and retention, is astounding. The F2P players on the Officials were second class citizens. No chance to ever catch up. They quickly quit the game once this fact sets in, and the server's population tanks and dies. And the opposite of this is true in reference to the illegal servers with premium currency drops. Just something to think about. That's my 2 L2 Coins.
  5. I doubt they will say for right now. I would guess that the first lootboxes will hit the store after 1-2 weeks from launch. It's hard to say though. If you look at the phrases being used to describe Aden, it sounds like they are taking a slight detour from the EU Essence model that we all know. Taking a guess here, but the general monetization will be the same, but the way it is done will slightly differ. At least we should all hope so, seeing the disaster that EU Rose/Pink turned out to be.
  6. Welcome to the Lineage II side of things! Thank you for the FAQ and the transparency behind everything so far. We are all looking forward to hearing more about Aden!
  7. Thank you for the quick response. Also tell Juji I said hi
  8. How much is an L8000 LCoin box going to cost? Will LCoins drop from mobs?
  9. Sieghardt > Sayha I was in a small clan called FateSpinners, led by BergEdelweiSS.
  10. Adena, enchants, gear, loot boxes, etc. ARE NOT FOR SALE. The only things you can buy are xp scrolls, buff scrolls, cosmetics, and account services such as name and gender change.
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