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Posts posted by Bagy

  1. in my case, I spend 165b trying to make a heavenly talisman, Adena was split between aden and giran castle, and iam just one person and I think i will try more becuse I still didnt made it :( . and since aden get some tax from giran so i think aden get alot tax, even more, when giran was dark castle when max was rulling and have giran in a box clan.

  2. 3 hours ago, GoldBar said:

    This topic made by Hybird side , server Naia . And so easy to reslove this :
    - They ( Hybird side ) cant kill Eviscerators that hitting chest , so help them remove Steel Mind skill from Eviscerator class .
    - They ( Hybird side ) crying about 1%-2% chance ( Passive Skill: 1% chance for General Attacks and 2% when casting a skill to deal 3717 fixed damage ) , so help them delete all GOD earing or remove that passive skill .  
    - They ( Hybird side ) cant debuff people using Dragon weapons , so delete Digity skill from Dragon weapons .
    - They ( Hybird side ) want cage / exile someone pernament  , so let help them make Cage/exile skill of Cursed weapons 1 min again .
    With all of this , they ( Hybird side ) can control 100% Cursed Weapon event at Naia server .
    Let setting this game as they ( Hybird side ) wish please !

    Don't understand why all of you try changing the topic, its not about hybrid or max they trying to report some items bug. let me ask you this, using this earring to do dmg on cheat its bug or not ?

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  3. 2 hours ago, TheThrax said:

    If that player know exactly how much damage he can output  and the party/cc who try kill RB is not so strong(i mean if they dont kill rb in 30-40 sec)....is posible.
    He will wait and laugh till Rb hp go in the 1 shot area and hit, pick up and teleport to next one.

    Its clear they dont have damage...otherwise they just pk the guy :)

    Conclusion: Randoms try to kill Raid Boss but the big bad wolf come and took the loot :)

    End of investigation.

    How exactly they can pk him!! while he rr with pt ud for 35 sec and when he log he get other pt ud ? Or cursed weapon ud for 30 and when he log another 30 sec, + so many despa. so how ? I'm not sure if  you read this topic and understand what is about !!

  4. Just now, mixa said:

    I don't think there are unable to do the last hit either...

    This why iam telling you, you just need go at orfen for example put toon there and see how it's. One guy come from no where when rb 10-5% hp on dispa doing last hit with dw stage 3 and full skill up then pick up and bsoe. 

  5. 1 hour ago, mixa said:

    If you knew how the game mechanics work, you would have given up on this.

    That top geared player doesn't do the last hit, he does the most damage and gains the loot rights. Therefore no matter if he has the skills up or not, you'll still have no chance.

    What you said is wrong, you got many rb like " orfen , anakim , lilith , baium and ishka " you cant win them by cc loot's or over damge, its just by last hit, so if rb hp is 1% left who ever deal damge to get this 1% will win the rb. So whole cc can waste they skill for 99% of rb hp and one guy was rr at rb with full skill or use my teleport he come and take the rb  and bsoe that it. This its pvp game player should pvp for win.

  6. Hi,

    I would like to bring to notice an unfair/exploited advantage top geared players have, the logoff with full skills and login back after the cooldown of old skills have elapsed, meaning they can use their top Ultimative skills from self class + support class 2 times, making them indestructible and with an insane amount of damage for too long period of time brining to not logged off people a grate disadvantage in PvP and in PvE.
    Best example is during Raid Bosses if a group of players gather to kill a Raid Boss (that u can’t take loot by cc), they make cc, they bring everyone to enjoy the time, play together as clan/ally/friends in a command channel they do most of the Raid Bosses HP by themselves, imagine then one top geared player that was logged off with full skills(as mentioned above) and logs in and deals the last hit to that Raid Boss, he will take all the dropped items. 
    How you find it fair for the 14/21 etc players? That gathered there and put the effort into also killing the raid and share between everyone, not to a single player, to just lose everything because of that one hit the top geared that was logged off did, he just needs to cast a silence on all players and pew-pew the raid and is all his, and everything the others did was for nothing.
    As you might have noticed this trick is not used by under geared players, only by top geared, disbalancing the game because the 2x time skills used making them indestructible can easily evaporate everyone around them. 
    My proposition is make the skill after being opened have same logic as runes, the moment you open, even if you logoff, the skill will decrease its cooldown. At least like that you give to other players a chance against the over-the-top players the game is facing with.
    Skills with cooldown more than 10 min after log in to the game should disappear:
    Archer Instinct / Power of Abundance / Battle Rhapsody / La Vie En Rose’s Enegy (brooch rhapsody) / Dragon Rage / Savage / Einhasad’s Wrath / Wrath of Elmore / Wrath of Aden / Heroic Berserker / Heroic Valor / Soul’s Insanity Zarich & Akamanah  / Enables the Dignity / Final Ulltimate Escape / Protection of Faith / Spirit of Ferios.

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