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blocked account


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It was not my fault, I was just playing normal and my account was blocked, please help me.
I waited so long to play lineage 2 classic, I'm relying on the equide of administration to unlock my account
please do not leave me helpless, do not abandon me, I need help urgently.

I have three accounts, I was using the three at the same time and two was blocked, now I'm using the one left to come in the forun and I asked for help.


request (23227121: blocked)

request (23227130: blocked)

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15 minutes ago, blazus said:

It does not have to be a reason just you are unnecessary as I am. 
The only thing you can do now is wait for someone to take pity.
And you can not prove that you do not use bots or other programs to support the game.

unhappily this and the reality, I will wait for the mercy of somebody.

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I believe you are innocent and blocking your account is too much punishment.

Think what you did against the rules, the system recognized you as a threat.

Maybe your IP number changed a few times because you logged in from different IP addresses?

Or maybe you used illegal software modified the game client?

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6 minutes ago, blazus said:

really is a constraining situation.
I know exactly what you're going through, they never tell you the reason, the worst part, and we're hoping for an answer that never comes, that's embarrassing. I'm giving up trying, it's been 15 days since I've been in this situation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sadly this is actually Happening to people that do nothing. I had a few accounts in the past year or so end up in the NC-graveyard. I'm not gonna lie and say I have always been a legit player. I've played this game since 2002. old player's (if any left) remember, this game use to suck ass when it came to exp.  it doesn't excuse  me for trying 3pt programs, but I  too noticed two things Majestade might be on to. the first is. IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU!!  as I stated I have tried botting in the past. Before I started understanding the effects of my actions, My excuse was the grind. I'd like to mention also, I haven't used nor attempted to use 3pt programs since 2003. which leads to his second point. none of my largely bankrolled accounts where ever banned. in fact they ALL are very much active. but I had at least two accounts that I used for storage meet their untimely demise, under the  guise of botting. I cant lie I feel a bit robbed as I've been on the straight and narrow for years lol. Maybe its the l2'sworlds way of paying me back. My point is I feel jaded too and I wont go on a boycott rant but I'll try spending some of my money in new ways this year. lets see what happens..

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