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Beast soulshots/spiritshots bound o character is a normal feature now?


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Today I wanted to buy some shots with a character were I had some adena and send them mail on another and I had the surprise to see that could't be seen. Ok, I read the description and saw that can't be sold, traded...etc but I couldn't believe that can't be sold back to grocery to get some adena back. Also, I tried to transfer them thru Dimensional Merchant but shots aren't visible for trade there too. It's 1st time in last 11 years of lineage 2 when I see this problem. Is it normal to work like this??? They are very expensive shots and as a "feature" now can't be even traded/mailed/sold back to NPC??? @Hime is it normal to work like this??? Which Other items from grocery are untradeable??? @Juji do you remember in your L2 history when beast shots couldn't be untradeable or unable to sell it back to npc?


OffTopic: @Juji was kicked from team already?? Seems he dissapeared from Discord and lately didn't saw anything on forum.

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they are bound so summoners cant sell them or for whatever else reason it is! im not sure if they said it somewhere officialy or i had read another topic like this but it is a fact! the thing that u cant sell them back to grocery is a problem though!!! have u tried to sell them back to the option u bought the beast ss? 

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