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I have been playing in the Aden server since November, and I have been patiently waiting for some things to change. However, it is time to move on because:

a) the server is dead

b) 95% bots, 5% active players. Botting is apparently supported by NC West.

c) pay to win. VIP 4, botting, buying adena, or a combination of the 3 if you want to stay relevant in this game. Apparently adena sellers are also supported by NCWest.

d) it will only get worse.

The money you are earning is based on people's addiction and not by the fact that people really enjoy the game. This is a sick business model.





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I do think it's kinda funny that people leave the game because they can't be relevant. There is more this game has to offer. I've been lazy/busy and only level 40 but still have fun logging in and chatting with my clan mates.

This is a game where you need to have no life to be at the top level. Remember when enmity was the first to down frintezza in the west? The clan leader admitted in an interview that the majority of them don't have jobs so they are free to play all day.

To each their own I guess. Have fun with whatever game you pay

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1 hour ago, kvourg14 said:

I have been playing in the Aden server since November, and I have been patiently waiting for some things to change. However, it is time to move on because:

a) the server is dead

b) 95% bots, 5% active players. Botting is apparently supported by NC West.

c) pay to win. VIP 4, botting, buying adena, or a combination of the 3 if you want to stay relevant in this game. Apparently adena sellers are also supported by NCWest.

d) it will only get worse.

The money you are earning is based on people's addiction and not by the fact that people really enjoy the game. This is a sick business model.





if you think these classic servers are p2w, you are too poor to play this game, and really have no idea what p2w really means. You have no idea what ncwest is capable of. 

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