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Recipe: Oriharukon to many bots i cant spoil, give me 1

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I ran right down the hill, spoiled the very first one that was closest to me, and swept the recipe.

How did you make it to 40 if you think that there are too many bots in IT Crater and NOT think there were too many bots everywhere else from 20-40??

Are you on Talking Island?  Do you want me to set up muh dorf for you to craft them?

Edited by FoxFire
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8 minutes ago, nutcase said:

Just give the man his recipe if you are on the same server.


I mean I used it on muh dorf...guess I could take another 10 minutes and go spoil a second one if he's on Talking Island?

Could probably sell it in Giran for 500k, though...decisions, decisions.

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