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back after 3yrs


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hello, like in title i come back after 3years break and im lost not sure where should i exp. Im 105 othell atm with just exalted gear exalted quest at 3part. Let me know where i can get levels or what shoukd i do. im doing IT+ Storm isle daily.


ps. Lets skip part about quit game etc... I just got back let me have some fun

Edited by Kilroy666
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On 13/5/2020 at 1:49 AM, Kilroy666 said:

hello, like in title i come back after 3years break and im lost not sure where should i exp. Im 105 othell atm with just exalted gear exalted quest at 3part. Let me know where i can get levels or what shoukd i do. im doing IT+ Storm isle daily.


ps. Lets skip part about quit game etc... I just got back let me have some fun

You can exp in Enchanted valley :), its possible with exalted gear.Also the hard parts is getting items, u should start fishing and meeting people, join a helpful clan, they will tell u everything and help u

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