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How do you know the server time?

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  • L2 Team
16 hours ago, RainBob said:


We added a mouse-over display for the minimap radar that shows the server time and your local time, which should help with event start/end times.


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4 hours ago, Juji said:

We added a mouse-over display for the minimap radar that shows the server time and your local time, which should help with event start/end times.


Thanks, really great feature! <3 

But it seems it is incorrect?

As, for example Olympiad is happening (according to to text in Olympiad window) 22:00-23:00, but in reality in my local time (Ireland) it happens 23:00-00:00. And currently this mouseover shows me that my time is identical to server time? Maybe you are not using Daylight Savings Time modifiers when calculating this?


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