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archers are very bad


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hello there i want to share my thoughts...i m playing l2 for years and i m archer lover...but in this game archers are bad very bad, stun is not working that much double shot is doing less dmg that simple arrows  generaly is not worth to exist here on classic....do something all are mages if u want to play in this game u have to be mage or summoner this is not normal....on the other hand if u got items like event imprint item baium talisman jewels from brootz event those things are not tradeable so u cant even reroll...do something better give a boost on archers bring the balance in this game....

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I totaly agree.This server is a summoners server only.Daggers are ZERO,my ARcher is ZERO,Gladiators are ZEro.These classes where always legendary classes and now ,noone has them or playing them.You are going to SIege and its like a ZOO that needs a ZOO keeper!

Normal Shot gives more damage than DOUBLE shot!Then why do we have that skill ???

Not mention overal the balancing between classes is 0.

Ok the pay2win Staff,somehow you need to get paid and we are paying you but after that WORK also to fix your bleep server!


Havent you tried for example to play with a dagger 80 lvl at WOA?As GMs?Woa=76,and 4 skills are evading .

Why not balancing the classes?Why no new areas for exp?

3 years later and you still havent relesed a new map ,instant of that you took back ADEN castle and overal SIEGES.

You had made the already OP Summoner class more OP and the rest we could go to hell?

Please FIX THE SERVER ,so we could continue play and pay you.Otherwise SHUT IT DOWN.

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I dont Agree with this look at the RANK 1 player in GIRAN he is archer... he pvped vs a top summoner equally  fights lasted longer than songs/dances. A character is as good as the one behind the keyboard and how much time and dedication you put on it.


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- im a newbie playing arbalester, I thought range is the endgame toon (sigh....sad) i don't want to reroll please make some love to archers .... and wait do i need to mention

  my arbalester only have 2 skills ?@#$ (rolling my eyes) ......

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On 11/5/2020 at 3:14 PM, DjThunder said:

Should i start laughing now or later @Bladez ? You are talking for an Archer with DB+20 ,Draconic Armor +15 and A Summoner with 30kk euros Equip.

2 Chars that are having the most OP GEAR? Useless point of yours!

I think what he means is that any class is good IF he has the gear. The original poster obviously was talking about the difference between normal geared players, a mage will always do better DPS than an archer for example with A Grade and no P2W or epics.

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