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The Loon on the Chronos Server


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Ok so here is the issue and we all know what I am talking about.  There is a scammer that pops up from time to time on Chronos server for years now.  I personally reported at least 3 of his account for IRL threats and harassment, today he tries scam another clan member on a new account same MO and I asked what his problem was and he wants me to pay him off with adena or +12 weapon to get him to stop harassing my clan.  He self admitted he been doing this for 7 years and doesn't play the game at all and just scams.  He has had over 400+ accounts banned by NcSoft for everything I just wrote.

This one person is a plague to this game but you guys can't seem to get rid of him, can you ban his mac address or something more than just an IP ban that anyone can get around in this day and age.  Seriously getting annoying.

For the Mods, I asking from guidance from NCSoft team did not mention any players name just that the activity is out of control past just simply opening support tickets and getting them banned and over again.

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