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Please Remove Greedy Treasure Chest


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Hello, an alternative to reduce the number of accounts logged, would be to remove the " Greedy Treasure Chests".

I've heard players claim to have logged 50 accoints simultaneously just for looking/target the chests.

After you installed that, the game got worse... Why don't you put the drop directly from the mobs with a slim chance?

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What are this Greedy Treasure Chest?, i never heard of them , and where can you finde them, what i see form forum it is imposible to get one, only big lvl players with cam's hunt them, if the information form forum si corect, so the plople who need them the most can not get them, it is a good ideea to put them to moobs drop ore some single quest that all playes cand do.

 The game needs some diveristi to make it more fun(the chest is a very good idee -somthing new to do in game but it does not work as it was intendet), the same with farming sports they are not enough , ore instance zone 1 archer takes the whole area not just a spot so 10 playes cand not farm because 1 acher, so 10-15 archer takes the all instance zone.

So some good solo quests/instance zone /catacombes would be fun.

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On 4/27/2021 at 11:03 AM, DorfL2 said:

Greedy Treasure Chest is for only 2 group of players, so 99% of population can only dream.

1) Top players which can kill fast

2) Players who can log in 30 - 100 of toons to spy for it.

100% ok with you. If want the top botters names using bot programs i can write here too.

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