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Naia , CP recruitment Looking for serious , motivated player


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CP recruitment List,

I am othell  lv110 , geared , LF CP for dailies 105 , if possible 112+ instances help...

Active 24/7 , with prestige, currently inside clan Stronghold, will move to  main clan  RED WINE once all CP members assemble.

I am looking for motivated team, who wish to be heroes someday or Top players somedays. Inside my CP , hopefully we can help each other

like trading or assisting each player including on items.  Any submitment of CP please do contact add my discord >   SibuLeoDoG#4977

Who comes who first.

I am looking for :

Feoh lv 110+

Healer lv 108+

Tank lv 110+

Iss lv 107+

Tyrr lv 110+

Wynn summoner lv 108+


Any problem we will discuss and solve it as soon as possible..As a CP leader , i will take care all my members needs if possible.  Hopefully we not just strong inside game but real life as well..

Thanks!! Welcome To Avengers Team~






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