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Pull out some old laptops, is Windows 7 not supported anymore by Gameguard?

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Pull out some old laptops, is Windows 7 not supported anymore by Gameguard?

With Windows 7 machine, it'll only work after a fresh reboot.  If any of the 3 lineage2 clients DC, re-launching will give Gameguard error only if it's in Windows 7.  All Windows 10 machines, if there is DC, relaunching that 1 client, no issues. 

I can launch 3 clients in a row no issues in Windows 7 but only after a reboot.  So when 1 DC in Windows 7, I have to force DC other 2 and reboot the whole Windows 7 machine.

@Juji  Is there a patch or fix for Windows 7 machine?

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  • L2 Team

Windows 7 OS is supported for GameGuard. We had some compatibility issues with Avast anti-virus last week that were fixed in today's update. Try logging your clients on the laptops again.

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