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Classic lineage 2!!!


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Hello to all,


First, I would like to say that I am very excited to know that a classic lineage 2 server is going to be live on October 3. I use to play this game when it was beta (long time ago), also played on and off after that.

I have some question that I am hoping you can help me with. 

1- I am not sure if I should do a tank, damage dealer or healer. What would be the easiest character to play on a classic server? My intention is to have a smooth game experience while soloing stuff, but at the same time would to be value added while grouping with other player

If I choose to be a tank, what is the best race 

If I chosse to be a DD dealer, what is the best for Melee, for range and for mystic?

If I choose to be healer, what is the race?


2- I am considering buying the 30$ pre-launch pack. It this really worth buying? I mean will it really make a significant difference?


 Thanks to all in advanced who can help me with my question

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21 minutes ago, Silverrmoon said:

If I choose to be a tank, what is the best race 

If I chosse to be a DD dealer, what is the best for Melee, for range and for mystic?

If I choose to be healer, what is the race?

There is no such thing as best tank, dd or healer. Some better in pvp, some in pve.

If you want something multifunctional, then: humans(dark avenger) for tank / orcs(tyrant) for melee dd / elves(elven elder) or dark elves(shillien elder) for healers.

And healers cant exp solo, obviously.

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Quick answers because i'm too lazy right now.


1- If you want a smooth gameplay you should avoid healers, they are completely dependent. 

2- If you're going to pick tank: DA and SK are the best choices. DA is easier to play.

3- If you wanna pick some DD, for solo content, if melee you should pick Tyrant or Destro, if Ranged you should pick PR. Mystics are not good because of lack MP.

4- 30$ launch pack is not that good but 30days rune is a good boost. If you dont care about the rest itens on the pack, just avoid it.

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