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Adena Rate and Soulshots


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Alright, honestly, who cares if adena rate is bad? EVERYONE HAS THE SAME RATE. No one got rich by killing monsters unless they got a good drop.

Learn to make money by selling and buying . Make alt-accounts. This game isn't for the faint of heart and casuals. This game takes commitment, dedication and hard-work.

Also, Soulshots/Spiritshots aren't a right, they are a privilege if you can afford them. A tool to help you level. Back in the day it was no different.

Hope this opens up your guys' eyes a bit.

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Just now, ArthiumX said:

Alright, honestly, who cares if adena rate is bad? EVERYONE HAS THE SAME RATE. No one got rich by killing monsters unless they got a good drop.

Learn to make money by selling and buying . Make alt-accounts. This game isn't for the faint of heart and casuals. This game takes commitment, dedication and hard-work.

Also, Soulshots/Spiritshots aren't a right, they are a privilege if you can afford them. A tool to help you level. Back in the day it was no different.

Hope this opens up your guys' eyes a bit.

Wait until you hit the wall, shortsightedness is the plague of the plebs.   Talk about eyes closed :)

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2 minutes ago, SWSbox said:

Yeah this is hardcore gaming for true men's said guy with Vip 4, Runes and over 10k NCcoins :D


1 minute ago, ArthiumX said:


There has always been a wall at each increment. Im not short-sided, ive played a lot of L2. Stop whining and put in the work.

You didn't answered to the SWSBox post.

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You didn't answered to the SWSBox post. @KABAL

His input doesnt add anything to the discussion? Thanks.

But since you mentioned it, how do you expect NCSoft to support classic without some sort of monthly payment or shop? Get real man. 

Yeah, i dont want to see the shop go p2w and its got some p2w elements at the moment, but they aren't extremely outrageous. This game was $14.99/month for years.

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I'm completely in agreement the game should be pay to play, even $30 a month would be fine.  Most of us who paid $15 are much older now and inflation and so on, $30 is reasonable.

But, we have to work within the realm of reality, which is a free to play model.

But the success of those models is one of two ways, either top players support the server (the official industry number is top 3%, btw), or the median players support the server.  Guess which one is more sustainable?

I respect your opinion that you like the server how it is, but it's my opinion that system is non-sustainable, and will kill the game you want to play. 

So think beyond your own perspective for a bit.  It's not just players wanting an easy win (though many of those type of posts are).  I am not that type of player, I just have the ability to think beyond my own perspective and look further out.

Even for the "hardcore" players out there, which most would probably consider me, you draw the line.  The problem is the way the game currently is, the line is too far out and the server will die.

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