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% increased by buffs seems wrong


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Has anybody realized that buffs like might arent giving the % they should? For example, my p.attack without might is 64, when I have might lvl5 from the scroll I'm supposed to have it increased by 12% meaning it should be 71.68, since we dont have decimal I guess it should be either 71 or 72 but instead It goes only to 68 which is a little bit more than 6% increased. Is that how is supposed to be or is there smth wrong? 

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That's not how it works. Actually it increases the base stat of ur char by 12%...in the p.atk calculation you're gonna get into it the passive skills, armor bonus etc etc 
So i guess you should calculate ur p.atk w/o passive or things like that. I'm pretty sure that's how the critical damage formula works. Reason why lots of players were qqing in some private crappy servers when with focus death (increasing crt dmg from behind by 90%) they were not landing almost 2x the damage. 

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1 hour ago, xHaseo said:

That's not how it works. Actually it increases the base stat of ur char by 12%...in the p.atk calculation you're gonna get into it the passive skills, armor bonus etc etc 
So i guess you should calculate ur p.atk w/o passive or things like that. I'm pretty sure that's how the critical damage formula works. Reason why lots of players were qqing in some private crappy servers when with focus death (increasing crt dmg from behind by 90%) they were not landing almost 2x the damage. 

I remember when L2 blah reverse engineered the patk calculation. They don't exist anymore but I think I found the calculation - for what its worth.


P.Atk. = (Weapon P.Atk.*Level Modifier*STR Modifier*Mastery Modifier*Armor Bonus*M.Def. Bonus*Buffs Type 1)+Weapon Mastery+Buffs Type 2

I also cross checked it with every L2 calculator I know of (that's for official xD) and everything shows that might 3 should multiply your patk by a tiny bit under 1.12. I think it was somewhere between 10% - 11%.

I'm not sure what to make of it.

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I was a little confused with the variables so I looked further into their definitions - incase anyone is interested. 

Buffs type 1's = shield, might, focus, frenzy, etc.

Buffs type 2 =  snipe, soulcry, hero skills, etc.

M.def bonus = boss jewels 

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It's actually easy. Some buffs like might are multipliers and are calculated first among other multipliers and they stack/are applied to your base patk. Other "buffs" like masteries have fixed amount of stat added to your patk and they are added at the end.

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5 minutes ago, Dhol said:

It's actually easy. Some buffs like might are multipliers and are calculated first among other multipliers and they stack/are applied to your base patk. Other "buffs" like masteries have fixed amount of stat added to your patk and they are added at the end.

Unless they changed it recently for classic or GOD, which wouldn't surprise me, might is supposed to give you more than 10% patk? 

There are a few variables added onto the equation after buffs have been multiplied but they are trivial.

L2.calc for example was like 99% + accurate up to C6 when I stopped playing official completely - it's still showing 10-11% increase. It was created by some serious mathematic college majors by reverse engineering all the formulas. 


Tho, its like I said, they might have changed it when official L2 became p2w. 


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