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About to be SE main, maybe?


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I'm a player that focus mostly in support roles, in any game that I play. L2 came to my sight and I'm addicted to it now, but as the leveling is so tough, I really want to make the right decision. I've been investigating about classes for the last 3 days and came out that SE is a pretty cool one (prophet is pretty boring after you buffed I read) and I'm between playing SE or EE. My main goal is having not much solo capabilities, but be wanted in parties and be able to find good parties quick. I saw SE gets more buffs early in the game, but EE is also pretty cool. Which are the main differences? Also the population, is SE and EE really played and hard to find parties because of it?

Thanks in advance and love for everyone!

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SE has good all around buffs, especially at early levels, but by endgame there will usually be a dedicated buffer that does it better.  EE has more limited buffs early, but much of what they get is unique to them, so always a welcome addition.

Both can heal and recharge fairly well. 

SE gets stigma, big boost for melee groups later on.  

Both are solid choices really, SE is likely better for small groups where you're the only support and for melee groups, while EE will have advantages anywhere else.  Neither is going to do anything solo after the early levels.

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Hello! First of all, thanks for the answer! 

So, for what you say, lategame neither SE or EE buff? That's makes me a bit confused :/ I though they were both buffers, and afther all what I checked, they both have buffs that only they have, so i'm not sure why they would stop buffing... :/ 

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Because for general party buffs, WC can usually do it better with less mana cost and better mana regen to buff a party Prophet is going to blow his wad buffing a party), minus a couple of buffs that are exclusive for EE/SE/PP, since they get all the goodies (might, shield, acumen, haste, focus, acc, VR, zerk, emp, etc).  They have pretty good heals, but best healer is going to be Bishop, (EE/Bish can get up to 100% rez with dyes and gear later on, SE gets close).  SE is more of an offensive based buffer, EE is more defensive based, and PP is an all around gimme everything buffer.  Elders <can> solo if you want to farm undead areas, but you have to be geared and gets pretty expensive, until they give Elders they nuker stance like they did in the later chronicles.  This game was not really designed for solo play, so if you want to, it's going to cost you.  Later on, a party is going to want both a EE, SE, and dancers.  Best bet is get into a clan and tag along anytime there's an opening.

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