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A new way of scam?


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Hello fellow,

Yesterday evening i bought bloody light set +8 for reasonable price and was happy with it. Left account for fishing and when waked up in morning i got dc'ed from server. Just an every morning logged into game and i saw that i don't have armor on me and after checking inventory and equiped items there is no any set anymore!! How this can happen? I saw post before that there is same situation as me with jewels. The one difference that armor was send by COD and i bought it from name i can't remember and now there is no any COD letter while all other is. Do NCsoft starting to take items away? I lost 30b or set. Already wrotten to support and waiting for reply of them. I hope this will be solved.

My thoughts about situation in Chronos that don't trade any items as NCsoft geting back it to "Original owners".

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UPDATE: Got message from one of the GM'S:

 have checked your report and confirmed that your transaction was a P2P (Peer-to-Peer) 

In conclusion they can't restore my items because they can't find anything about trade but they were able to delete it from mine inventory (Still trying to get reason).

Just care guys about buying Bloody light set +8 as the scammer got your adena and GM'S back he's item to him and as a victim GM can't help you. It's legit scam way now.

if GM will write anything more about this situation i will update post.


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