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Everything posted by Traingirl

  1. How do you expect other classes to level up if all Yuls can keep soloing everything in the game. There are still classes in the game where they can't do even 10% of what Yuls can. Or have been left to obscurity for far too long, summoner comes to mind. Stop crying and adapt.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAKPB8GtgbU&ab_channel=C1rcumradiant Posting after getting a couple of private messages. Hope it helps. cheers
  3. I hear you, I understand that NCwest want players to put their hand deep into their pockets and don't get me wrong, there are days where I am itching hard to "OPEN Credit Card" As for my expenses, I do not use Dye powder 24/7, I think it is not worth it. I still need to test if it is worth using one on each dps for the instanced zones rotation. For SS/BSS/Spirit ores I do not use more than 50kk/day probably more around 40kk/day. PS: When I reach 108 I will have to find out myself how to deal with balancing gold making/gridning. I have to admit Beleth is amazing and everywhere else I tried to afk exp is half as good as that zone. I think 108-109 will be less profitable but 109+ I feel Tanor exp/gold will be on par with beleth since I'll be killing Tanor mobs a lot faster than I do now. Right now I still die sometimes when I afk on Tanor and neither exp/gold is anywhere near to what beleth gives me. Around 1,2trill exp per hour and 13-14kk per hour as a 3man group. Other option would be to focus on better exp from instanced zones as I get stronger and still afk xp in beleth with abysmal exp but even better gold making than now. Correct me if I am wrong but gold drop does not degrade when killing light blue mobs. Also, I reckon at lvl 109 I would actually be able to make Isle of souls worth my time. By 110 I think I will have enough to boost my single target dmg on Tyrr to carry me through IoS with PoM on my back or even get a cp which is the ultimate goal in this game. I hope I can keep a positive mindset like you said
  4. Sorry, I guess I did not clarify it. I put !SOLO! inside quotation marks "SOLO". I meant as a 3 man party. I reckon it would be impossible to actually AoE solo that zone at lvl 107 even with far better gear. Basically I use: ISS hierophant 106 as a buffer/healer with a decent macro. Mage stays on auto during all the process. With a good combo macro I think mage is the strongest AoE class if you have basic gear. Dreadnought I mostly play live to pull 4-5 groups while alt-tabing a lot between ISS-Dread to stay alive. With a good macro to keep stun/knockdown on mobs as much as I can (Berserker's/Magician's binding gives u another extra 10% dmg ) also helps with surviving. Tyrr dread are amazing to pull many groups really fast. In addition, I swap between stances (bear cry - ogre cry - rabbit cry) all the time. Mage macro : https://gyazo.com/6a21ee9a66d56e333b169bb22d8f5396 Tyrr macro : https://gyazo.com/7fc22e5cb23698bb973abd986daf7149 Iss macro : https://gyazo.com/b1995dd7fa5402d1bdf7c859710f3ab2
  5. I am at a point where I make around 600-1bil a day. Main source of income is Beleth's where I make between 15-25kk per hour depending on spot and Player activity. I try to stay there when I am at work or busy with other tasks at home Then when I am free to actually play the game xd, I "solo" Storm/PI/Crisis. From sttorm I make around 150kk in 1 hour (Still 107 so I get a pretty high dmg penatly). On PI/Crisis it's purely RNG and it could range from 100kk to ++++. At 107 with my gear range I can only do Kartia 110 which is still pretty decent since it can provide me with the consumables to make PI/Storm worthwhile. Lastly I do IT whenever there is a group since I still cant carry myself in that zone Indoubitably I still have a lot to learn/relearn about the game but all the core mechanics seem very straightforward and as with most statbased games, it is easily manipulated. I know I wont reach the TOPDOGS but I am still having fun and since I was always a competent player in every game I 've ever played I know I will find ways to manipulate the mechanics. TLDR; Game is not that hard as it may seem at first glance, try to make a better setup. Cheers
  6. Hey mates, I used to be somewhat of a hardcore L2 player in the past up until the point I quit in 2012. Though the game does feel overwhelming with the vast array of items/upgrades being locked behind a paywall and/or an insurmountable amount of Adena, it does a feel a lot easier than it used to be. I started playing again a month+ ago, sadly right after the XP event. I am now 107+ on 2 chars and 106 on iss. Still relatively basic gear exalted tier 2, some cheap agathion +4/+5, Enhanced Shadow stormer on the dreadnought, ring of creation and almost all the Special skills that require runes. I started almost from zero and I did not get a prestige sub until free VP week was over. I backtracked a lot, researched for many days while trying to get my bearings with the game. I started with different toons reached 103 and then I rerolled and if I knew all the things I know now from day one I am sure I would have reached even higher. My setup is mainly the reason I can do almost every instanced zone with my 3 toon group. I went for Dreadnought + Feoh StormScreamer + Dominator/Hierophant.
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