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Everything posted by Traingirl

  1. At this point I would wait on next update. Core server on EU got a complete overhaul in their business model which introduced a very straightforward cash shop as well as a new upgraded version of exalted gear and many other goodies very close to Korean client. I reckon we'll be getting something similar with some variations. That's why you see everyone and their mother trying to get rid of their circlets. I, for one, am running Tyrr dread/feoh/iss trio and it works great for my level range. Will be hitting 108 in 2 days on tyrr and a week from now on feoh after playing for 2 months. Using basic gear for the most part and able to clear all instanced zones rather succesfully except IoS. Crisis : 80-100 chests PI : RNG between 10-150kk Storm: around 150kk more or less AFK grind in Beleth for up to 27kk/h at this point and without BSSR on feoh because it makes no difference, not enough mobs. After 108 Tanor but it sucks for adena making. After 109 I'll try Field of Silence but I doubt it's gonna be much better than tanor. Your combo doesn't really work well imo. Keep feoh/healer and libra the summoner for a tyrr dread/titan. I made the same mistake on my feoh's main. I really love summoner but it is really bad sadly. Gonna libra the summoner to healer or to tyrr to have an extra char for IoS grind.
  2. Joke of a nerf, crit dmg needs a nerf, everything else is just too lenient. Plus, the only class that has a right to cry in the forums are Summoners.
  3. Yeah but that sweet Youtube money 4head
  4. Agreed, one of the things that put me off immediately since I came back into the game it's the "rarity" or more well put, the abscence of in-game/l2store means to gain some items that are essential to progress. Jewels seems to me are the most out of reach items out of all. But I get it, making some items near impossible to get means that the company isn't "forced" to create more content/update at a higher rate in order to keep players engaged.
  5. It's a form of pvp, by attrition. This game, like many other mmos, has many forms of currency you can use to your advantage. -Time -Money -Numbers -Wits -Luck -Persistence/stubborness To name a few. Now you decide how you want to play at any given situation. I for one, feel like being persistent is my main form of currency when facing greater numbers or I am being heavily outgeared. Even though I am lucky enough to be in a pretty strong alliance I never ask for assistance when I am facing greater odds. A) Because that is not reliable at any given moment and, B) Because I find it extremely satisfying when I overcome hurdles alone. Last night I had to fight for almost 4 hour to secure a spot in Beleth (No a worthwhile endevour) against a bot group that decided to afk right next to my pull. Literally 10 protectors came for over 4 hours with some being extremely overgeared comparing to me. In the end I "won". Got killed several times, spend few resources and time. Was it worth it? logisticaly speaking probably not! Did I have fun fighting/griefing/trolling 10+ ppl? Absolutely yes. Did I make an impression to them that I am not a person they want to bleep with? Absolutely yes.
  6. Same drops for my 3man group, between 85-100 chests. No change.
  7. 1) Pay monthly prestige subscription 2) a) If you are alone, try making a solid AoE 3 man group to carry you to 110. (More expensive x 3 subs/More rewarding at least till 110) b) If you are alone and don't wanna bother with many chars, make Eviscerator (Search "TheCrypt" on youtube, he has a pretty solid starting guide for that class.(Cheaper x1 sub or x2 if u want iss hierophant in the group, could solo IoS at 107+ with relatively cheap gear) c) If you have geared friends that like to do things in a group, try picking a support class like healer/tank/iss hierophant and "leech". Though I would not suggest that since I find it hard to be reliant on others. 3) Do dailies every day and focus on leveling. Level is more important than gear.
  8. Oh, almost forgot!! The most important thing, never complain. If other ppl sense that you are complaining they will not back down. Be adamantly aggressive towards em.
  9. You have to be versatile to play this game. You need to be able to feed on the weak and harass the strong. You mainly have to be "stupid" or stubborn enough against the strong and heartless against the weak. The other day I made a guy with +16 weapon pk me 20+ times before he realised that despite all the money he has spend in the game he will still die if he goes afk. He left the spot and I grinded in peace. Similarly I bully the weak to the point they just stop setting their group within my radius. What if I end up dead a couple of nights from being a prick, eventually ppl just leave me alone because I can emulate retardation to the point of brilliance and most people just can't handle it.
  10. By cheaper, how much are we talking about? Is it even worth it going for an item that you cannot resell and that gives a very small boost? Isn't it better to just save and get lvl 5 or get something that you can resell, like a better weapon. Genuine question, I recently came back to the game and I might be wrong but still I see no point going for lvl 4.
  11. IT: 10,5 trillion exp (15-30min) Castilla 110 : 2,3-3 tril (15min) Crisis : 3 tril (1h) Storm : 3,5 tril (1h) PI : 1,5 tril (1h) and 15-20h afk grind in Beleth of 1.2-1.7 trill/hour PS: At my level PI seems to be not rly worth my time.
  12. level 106 in Tanor is also abit insane my man. You should hunt Green mobs. I reckon solo single target is a bit slower than what I do but 1,5% in 4-5 days at lvl 106 means you should get the hell out that area lmao. With exalted gear on a three man party I make between 3 to 4% per day at lvl 107 with prestige only.
  13. I think you were too hasty or in disbelief that you posted something before thinking it through. If you want a rough estimate just divide by 3 or multiply by 3 whichever way you wanna calculate it and your calculations will apply to reality By your calculations I would be making 75kk/h lmao
  14. You low lvls should pick 1 toon and lvl it. Trio in solo area = aids I guess I misunderstood what you meant as low level because that is my plan already. Though I find it hard to believe 110 is low level I reckon for you it is. Still, I was always a min-maxer in games and more often than not I found that extra utility or raw dmg brought by an extra char is better in almost all situations. I am not saying my current combo will work as good after 110 because I haven't tried/tested the areas. AoE must be out of the question with just 3 toons but then again it's out of the question for most folks in my gear/lvl range in the current areas I am grinding in. Also, from what I understand the current version of the game gives paramount importance to level difference between player/npc. I've tested with almost same gear/stats a different toon doing bleep all dmg while struggling to stay alive to beleth mobs at lvl 102 comparing to my 107 where I 2-3shot if I crit them even with exalted gear. In that regard I would still chose a higher level support/utility dps in group over a very expensive/unattainable goal that focuses around stacking 1 character. As example, how much gear do you need to get in order to make PoM + cripling attack + healing hymn obsolete? Until you reach a point where u kill mobs faster than they can react or suffer unsustainable dmg then a support/utility char is better imo.
  15. Yeah, I am still waiting to see many things. From the moment I came back to the game and started asking ppl around for info, the only thing I kept hearing was, you gotta pay for gear or you wont be able to get past 105, will never be able to do Storm/PI or anything else in the game and blah blah. Boi were they wrong it's almost criminal of them even voicing their stupid opinion. So misleading.
  16. I don't know man, I play a bit over a month and I am 107.50% on 2 dps and almost 107 on my hierophant. Making 600-1bil a day with some days like today for example a lot more(Got 2 accessory augments in Crisis so more than 2bil today). And that's with just exalted gear. With prestige on 3 acc I make around 35-50tril exp/day on each toon. I did try solo and duo and the main difference is that if I don't get killed by another player I just don't die in pve. Plus as a trio I can "solo" basically all the mid grade instance zones (Crisis/PI/Storm) and progressively as my level rises I will be making even more proft. I reckon I'll be 110 in three to four months with enough adena to boost my dmg enough at least on one of the 2 dps.
  17. Easier said than done. If you want/are able to cash in hard, sure it can be done with supports oop up to the point were your gear start to lose their value since you are gonna be faced with several issues bottlenecking your maximum daily progress. If are not able or do not want to pay insane amounts of real money then you need supports to carry you all the way. If there is a possibility to be able to do ToI with supports at your back at a more profitable rate than with a group of ppl then obviously you would want to have at least your hierophant at lvl 110. Meaning, if you can save yourself from spending 200bil on equipment improvements to be able to solo some areas vs having an iss at your back I'd choose iss all the way even if it means I would have to spend an extra month of grinding. In addition, solo vs duo vs trio. Duo expwise is a lot better than solo if you are AoEing. Trio is better than solo and a bit worse than duo but adena is better while at the same time having a trio guarantees you wont die from pve dmg.
  18. Mate, have you even tried Core? Adena there are abysmal comparing to what you get here. Sure it is cheaper on many items but in essence imo it's even worse there. Core also has a lot less ppl playing. But sure, if you wanna pay 5k $ go for it, you'd be a top dog.
  19. If you want to keep supports out of group just play with /delay values and u will find the one that keeps you alive while sustaining mp on supports.
  20. Fix macros and supports. Play around with macros until u find the one that works. Try to set up the supports as they were "live" players. You have Mark of lumi + single target push back on healer if you play 1-1 mob ISS can assult rush + crippling attack on single target. Set healer for auto balance life If you AoE u can play around other skills both for dmg and cc. I am sure you'll find a way gl
  21. No problem man. I am sure there are more things that can be done to make pve , adena making faster always are we just need to find em. The dreadnought abilities : https://gyazo.com/be919aa3ad05bee0bad7e061c794ed50
  22. How is prestige p2w? The game was subscription based aka buy2play since launch. NCsoft deciding to monetize the game differently and "incentivize" players to keep the montly sub active does not mean that you have to suffer playing without it.
  23. Gonna say again, If exp became unsustainable for you in the areas you previously could roflstomp mobs it means that you either need to tweak your macro/support etc. Worse case scenario change area until u figure it out. You coming here and complaining about the new standards is not going to help you. I am saying that without smugness or redicule towards you. It is a fact that you cant do it anymore, go figure things out like you are supposed to.
  24. The thread is about XP areas. If you are mad that you can't solo anymore just pick yourself up and press the /invite button. Easiest solution anyone can give you. Stop being a crybaby, MMOs tend to change all the time, DEAL with it
  25. 90% of the commentors complain about their Yul toon not being able to roflstomp pve like they used to and somehow I lost track of the issue I seem to be doing just fine in PI/Storm/Crisis with my pleb 107 exalted trio. What's your point? Just tweak your macros/supports to adapt. If I can do it so can you with your "beast" gear lmao.
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