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  1. Once it was revealed that an L2 8000 box costs $25, I knew that these servers wouldn't last. This was the single biggest factor in determining the longevity of this community. The price is simply way too high for most of the players here, and they will all slowly begin to leave as the price bleeds them dry.
  2. Lootboxes. Wait for the first lootbox event drop and spend big, and you will get enough tickets to exchange for a full set.
  3. Books are usually pretty difficult to get, some more than others. The first Ultimate DK Transformation book that drops will be sold for *at least* $5000 in L2 Coin boxes (that's 200 L2 8000 boxes). Titan Champion book will be sold for a similar amount.
  4. This is most likely the end of L2. Aden came out a couple years ago now, back in 2019. EU/RU got their servers in mid/late 2019. Then it finally came here to NA this month. In terms of "Lineage II", this is it. There is nothing new beyond this in development. Aden will be supported for a few more years to come, and there will be updates to Aden over that course of time. But there is nothing else beyond Aden. The "Lineage" franchise though, will continue on. LineageW is being unveiled in a couple of days, which you can see here: https://lineagew.plaync.com/coming. All things come to an end. The story of "Lineage II" will end here.
  5. That's the ultimate goal, yes, but the timeline will be stretched out significantly here. NCWest is much smarter than Innova is, and will stagger p2w items over time. The final goal is what you said, yes, but expect it to be about 3-6 months in until all p2w is finally available to buy.
  6. The pay model won't be changing. Some things that could be updated a bit are gameplay mechanics, like castle sieges, olympiad, and such. How they work here is pretty bad.
  7. I know this topic gets posted all the time, but this video breaks it all down for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EcLbewUexg
  8. The new event tomorrow will help a bit to maintain. https://www.lineage2.com/news/candy-hunt-august-18
  9. I wonder if it has anything to do with the high population. We all know what happened to Blue during it's peak. Aden/Essence in general seems like it's very demanding on the server with how much is going on and how many mobs are spawning.
  10. It currently costs about $100-$150 a month, just to maintain Sayha. Anything you need additionally, will be a cost on top of this base price. Lootboxes, p2w items, store events, etc. will also hundreds of dollars per month, on top of the cost of Sayha.
  11. Big facts. Also, all of this information and general knowledge was posted before the servers even went live. Everything is going according to plan. If anything, the game is cheaper currently than what we were expecting.
  12. Directly, no. They have to put in requests and suggestions to the Koreans, and hope the Koreans adjust or alter it. Even NCSoft West has no power to make adjustments. However, since they are an official subsidiary of NCSoft, their requests are taken much more seriously and approved at a higher rate when compared to a third party licensee, such as Innova/4Game.
  13. All of that information can be obtained from researching EU Essence.
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