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Everything posted by Undefined

  1. Hello Sunshine, I've been having the exact same problem for nine days. Sometimes, when they reset the server I am able to connect for a SHORT period of time, I HOPE I can post this before I get logged out again. I could successfully log-in four times, in the last nine days. Something is WRONG! Is there ANYTHING you can do to help us? Or give me a phone number to call or something, they don't answer my mails, I tried different IP, different browsers, I even formatted my PC just to try to log in, tried mobile login with and without mobile network and nothing. The only thing that works randomly, is when the server resets, I log in then later in the same day I can't login again. Now I am trying to claim the BANDITRAIDKIT on my other accounts, I do have 10 accounts. I know that I have 17 days but help me, it is not supposed to let me login one account per day, something is really wrong here. My best regards, Undefined.
  2. UPDATE: Sin Eater drops Water Evolutionary Stone
  3. Elcadia is kicking off all my boxes, selling stuff in Aden and auto-hunting (NOT DEAD). After a while (seems random) some accounts are kicked off from the server. Those who are in TOI, when I reconnect, I appear in ADEN... it costs 15k to TP back to TOI. This is making me loose adena, time and XP. THIS is disturbing my ranking really bad! As there is an event running, we pay to get going on the ranking, we expect the server to be stable or at least not kick off, and if so, maybe at least get back where I was, not TP me back to Aden.
  4. Hello, I'm loving the new Aden update, it's new, top framework and stuff, just wanted to say to not forget about what MMORPG means. If Lineage 2 still a MMORPG, please, keep that in mind.
  5. Don't be ridiculous and remeber what a MMORG means. Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing THEY FORGOT ABOUT "Massively" and "Role-Playing" as there is no quests in this game, just farm, pay-to-win. If the limit is 1 I wil lbuy 9 other computers, like everyone else will find a way to multibox. The solution is good computer programming. We used to have worst computers back in 2000's, pretty sure even more players. Now we have microservices, cloud computing, A LOT of things that could be done to fix, not limit the god dammit multibox. ITS A GOD DAMMIT MASSIVE MULTI-PLAYER ONLINE ROLE-PLAYING GAME. Okay so, if you say it is NOT a MMORPG anymore, I apologise myself. It seems to be considered a simple "Multiplazer Online" game.
  6. I never hunted him in a party. NCSoft told us that is not 100% sure of drop when you kill the PET. If you say that they're lying, I belive you, maybe they don't know how their own game works, I wouldn't be surprised. Nothing against you but, I don't think is right to sell pets, but that's my thing, probably related to my culture. Thanks to answer.
  7. Good evening everyone, Elcadia is having serious problems. After a massive disconnect, comes back to "light". I want to let you know that THIS IS NOT A SOLUTION, it's PAINFULL to log in AGAIN with my accounts and I espect the server to be stable. I heard about "compensation" to blackbird, it sohuld be the same for Elcadia and what could be better then 3333 free L2 Coins? Now that Amazon gave us a good compensation, I wonder how NCSoft would compensate us. XD
  8. I forgot to mention you in the comment I did above.
  9. I am not on Blackbird, they responded to my friends support ticket, they said that the necklace drop is not guaranteed. So we're talking about.. Hunting over 100 Atingos to finally get a pet spawn and then MAYBE, have a necklace. It doesn't makes any sense, besides, I've seen Atingo spawnin in tree different locations AT THE SAME time and a minute later then disapearing from 2 locations, staying in only one location. So, NO, he can't be in multiple places at once, OR it is one more bug.
  10. https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/22670-bug-report-atingo/ I do not advise you to do so, not before they explain us what's going on. Bu anyways, I will post here a screenshot of the locations that I already found him: https://prnt.sc/1qi9452 Create a macro like this: /target Atingo Then you spam the macro walking around, you should see him.
  11. Hello @Sunshine, I would like to report a bug with the pet system, which is causing a huge waste of time. "To get a pet you need to hunt for Atingo. He is around 75lvl and spawns in the Tower of Insolence, Orc Barracks, Dragon Valley and Plains of the Lizardmans." ~ @Karmeligullo https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/22489-how-to-get-a-pet/?tab=comments#comment-154321 The first two times I've ever tried to kill Atingo, he summoned a Hawk, and 10 minutes later, I killed him again and he spawned a Strider. I was surprised of how easy it was, because nobody was there and I could get for my 2 accounts, one was lvl 73 and the other was lvl 62. THE BUG Now that I have my pet, I wanted to help other to have theirs. After that, about a 9 days ago, I've been killing Atingo every day, at least 20 times a day, I've killed him over 130 times and guess what, NO PET AT ALL. Once I got tired, my friend keep going on and then, suddenly Atingo spawned a WOLF!!! He killed it and... NO NECKACE. I was devastated because I though it was 100% chance of drop WHEN he spawns the PET. IF that is not the case, please, help me out, I need to understand what are the chances of drop after the chances of spawn, that's insane. THE BUG 2,3,4 As I am already wrinting a post, I will let you know that I realized that the Atingo spawn time is around 6 minutes. I though it should be 1h or so, with more chances of drop. Another thing, I SAW he spawning at two, tree places AT ONCE! Yes, I had to let multiple accounts logged in in every place he spawns so I could know where he is and I could see him in multiple places at the same time, but for a shot period of time. After a one minute or less, he disapears from other places and stay in only one place. THAT IS WEIRD! Finally, Atingo follows you for ever, I tested it bringing him into the church of Oren, really inside the church, he stayed there, with almost no HP for at lease 20 minutes, then he disapeared. It's annoying when players take him far away and don't kill him, or even WORST, people get him AWAY and SELL FOR ADENA his location. That should not be able to do, because they're disturbing the pet system. Atingo should RESET his HP just like everyother boss and mobs once they get far from the spawn point (AS WELL HIS PETS). My best regards, Undefined.
  12. Not easy to understand other cultures. That makes sense for those who did it, we still don't understand. For example, I would never understand why they removed the debuffs from the mob, or the target of the target (on screen), or why does they give random +5 to +15 weapons and it's so difficult to put one weapon to +6 without breaking it, and the list goes on.. Nothing makes sense, once it does, I think we would stop playing. That's how it happens in real life for most humans, when it's very comprehensible and everything makes sense we goes on to the next disturbing way of seeing life.
  13. hahahahahaha nice! So you can afford to pay back your +7 weapon from the "lost item" menu. First problem solved. Now we still have to figure out how to not be harassed and what does that could mean or be interpreted.
  14. Yeah, I agree with you, my only interpretation. It's not very explanatory the comparison graphics that they show on the main page, have you seen those? Just saying, I still love the game, I am only talking about things that I can only talk here, witt you guys.
  15. Exactly, you have to pay to get them back, it's VERY expensive. It's easier to drop weapons from you hand then get the fkn pet from Atingo. The randomness is not really random for some algorithms, and VERY random in others.. Frustrating, very frustrating, but it's the game. I'm reverse-engineering it to get the most of it, that's why I like it.
  16. Hey, one more thing, this game is almost impossible to play with only one account. I have been playing with 6, and know that the max now days is 10 multi accounts per computer. I lost my weapon, JUST LIKE YOU, but I had 5 other farming adena and items. One account supports the other and I have more chances of dropping, enchanting, random crafting etc... So, really not a game to play alone (only one account) as they said, this is A BIG LIE! The instances zones are almost impossible without the attack scrolls, soulshots, full buff (that requires spirit ores) and defence scroll. THEY ONLY LIED SO MUCH when they stay it's a "solo" game... I've never seen such a lie! But anyways, I love the game and I play with a LOT of accounts. I buy LCoins with the Adena that I farm. So I have a main character and 5~6 others to support it (AS IT IS NOT A SOLO GAME). I would suggest you to create and play with multiple accounts =\ What I can do to help is to give you some adena to help you get your weapon back, if you're on the same server as I am Sad, but true...
  17. In Aden, you losse your stuff even if you're not red. That's what's being reported here.a I don't like it either. The worst thing is to disconnect inside TOI and reconnect in Aden, that's 15k on the trash, INSANE.
  18. Hi Benelli92, I had this though before. Don't worry, it will be better. First of all, this is a new concept PK system, which makes it easy to kill others without consequences. The worst thing is to pay and then you loose your item because someone just killed you for no reason at all, unfortunately, that is part of the game, BUT, YOU CAN NOT BE HARASSED, so if it keep happening or if you feel harassed or humiliated somehow, you can report the player. Please, know that you have rights, even if it's a game. Try to understand how the game itself works and know that you have rights (which I recommend you to read carefully here: https://us.ncsoft.com/en-us/legal/archive/lineage-2/lineage-2-rules-of-conduct ) If you think NCSoft is not doing their job, you can mention the code of conduct. If a action is not taken place, go to authorities. Record things, get proof, report, make sure action has been take and keep playing, the game will only get better.
  19. BLESSING OF PROTECTION There is a buff on the Gatekeeper of Adem called Blessing of Protection, it prevents a player to be killed by a PK. The problema is that it lasts only 1 hour and is to prevent kills within 10 lvls of difference. At some point it is almost impossible to kill another player 3 lvls higher than you. Extend the buff to 12hours and lower the LVL difference to 3. 99% of the PK system problem will be solved. And punishes PK, making them loose XP insted of letting them pay with L2 Coins.
  20. It's weid, It happened to me so I stopped using it in Aden and in inside instances. As everything that has a chance to fail, I prefer NOT to do in those places. Even if is because of lag, it still a major issue. Next time I will record, if I can take it on video I post here.
  21. I agree, I woul LOVE to play a game that trully can do something about cheaters, bots and in-game sacmmers. IT WOULD BE NICE to have only one account login per PC (MAC ADDRESS), IF there wasn't BOTS and CHEATERS and stup1d 1d1ots out there. By letting us multibox, we can compete with those guys. And, as t is a "chance" game, you increace your chances to have goo drops if you have more accounts. I remember when I had only one account, many many years ago, I put all my adena to try to enchant a weapon, it broke. Nowdays, when it breaks in 4 accoutns, I have a success in at lease 2 more accounts. IF... they can hard work on that solution, I think most decent playrs would appreciate.
  22. Are you out of your mind? If I play in my house then, NOBODY ELSE can play in the same network? My brothers? What If you play in a Gaming Center? I understand your frustration but that's defenitelly not a option, besides, people can use VPN and it would just bleep people off, more than usual and they would keep multiboxing the same way.
  23. PLEASE, provide the RSS Feed for Dev Tracker, it is anoying without it as things happens and I only find out too late. @Sunshine
  24. In that case, use short next target, instead of the long range next target. I think it will work, as I got many drops from my archer, with this setup. But I understand that it could be a problem for some people anyway: Some people would be pissed off to see that their archer is walking all over the place to pick stuff up, maybe some people want to pick up close things but not at long range, so we don't waste time.
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