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Posts posted by WutWutWut

  1. 42 minutes ago, TheReaper said:

    I agree with u man , this raids need be pvp zone , but for differend reason . I say if he can he take it , i say pvp zone for INCREASE THE PVP ON SERVER that is 0 atm . They need raids ? They need fiht for this . Is first server i see they dont care about pvp and care only how to make $$ and rmt . Rly so bad players so bad leaders and so bad GM decicions . This kill the server .

    Raids are not safe zone. You are talking about some l2java features right here.


    52 minutes ago, aythyr said:

    @TheReaper @Juji Zaken was 80 lvl and it was dieing by lotus in 5 seconds (NO EXAGERATIONS) we tried multiple time (immortals) with titans with S weapons +16 to take it but drops always go to the same person...we all know who....who makes a living out of a game...!!! This only has as a result for many serious players droping the server/game....stop covering them up.....take countermeasurs for other allainces/people to farm these Epic raid bosses.....it matters a lot....this change only will have a huge impact on the health of the server.....

    If you cant outdamage titan with hd +8 when you have titan with hd +16 maybe you should learn how to play the game

  2. have some suggestions I would like to share with everyone here. THESE ARE JUST SUGGESTION MAYBE ONLY ONE OR TWO OF THEM WILL CATCH THE EYE OF ADMINS AS LEGIT SUGGESTIONS.



    First of all after introducing new changes to bosses please monitor their difficulty and if they are not too strong.



    Now some ideas:

    1. Classic area called „Ruins of agony“ is a little bit similar to lineage 2 essence game mode, just has less mobs. I guess devs intention was to make it easy for new players to start with some auto-farming. This is not the case in NA region. For example in Giran server high level players are farming that zone with large amount of low level toons. This doesn‘t help neither new players neither server economy.

    I would suggest lowering adena drop in that specific area and increase monster spawn times and to compensate adena balance in the server to increase adena drops for 82+ lvl monsters so high level players can just farm adena in their level zones.

    For beginners together with new 1-39 starter pack, to add 40-60 starter packs and 60-70 and make it easy to find, maybe move them to missions as reward for reaching certain levels.

    2.Add transformation seal books to buy for l2coins with limit each day (1-2 per day). Reasoning: transformations are one if not most powerful thing in classic now during the pvp and pve and people who get lucky during lootbox events and get legendary transforms too fast are at unfair advantage.

    3.Change it up in „Tomb of ancient pirates“ special hunting zone a.k.a. „goldberg instance“. This zone now is just play running simulator with gold butler spawning each hour and giving keys for goldberg boss, i think it should be made that actually killing monsters in the zone would have small chance to spawn gold bug butler. Simply put work for the keys, less keys but boost boss rewards.

    4.Possibility to have two sieges giran/Goddard and dimensional siege for Aden castlem, TI vs Giran would excite many players.

    5.3x3 Olympiad, already exists in essence, why not in classic also, with some goodies for victory like shiny jewel box.

    6.If possible add more content for solo players like have few higher level options for Aden town „dungeon of abyss“ like 50-60, 60-70, 70-80,80+ options with harder monsters and various rewards. Like exp scrolls, fruits, low chance for weapons armors etc.

  3. 1 hour ago, InDiscutionWithDEVS said:

    This is so funny, iEddiev2 crying on forums about adena drop in Lair of Antharas but he gets 20kk adena selling POWER LVL per Hour +gemstone A + depends on luck TOP A Grade weapon.

    20kk adena per Hour isn't enought? how much you would like to get? 100kk ?


    @Juji the adena drop in Lair of Antharas is pretty good, you get a loot of exp and people use to sell power lvl in that place, so they get minimun 20kk adena per hour ! leave it as it is please.

    you rly think ppl will pay for pwrl forever?:D and what ppl who dont powerlevel anyone can do? :D

  4. 57 minutes ago, DjThunder said:

    Your reward are changed dramatically.We are getting things that are supposed to be given on Advance victory...

    Your release notes are incorrect,your translation note inside the game is wrong.What are you willing to do??Are you so busy with our server that you dont even having the time to check all these issue?I remember the old day about having a test server!why you dont do that again?When we saw you a bug ,you try to fix it but the things that we  ve lost,we havent got any additional reward!

    Agathion soul??3 weeks later still nothing!Is so hard to fix that also?? @Juji

    can you stop fakin cry, its pandemic ppl working out of work, are overworked and you cry ?
    agathion soul will be replaced with ewa

    try working when your boss is on another time zone and speaks another language as his main langage

  5. 4 minutes ago, ChicknNugget said:

    Webpage was updated in a bad way! So now we get Antharas Earring from any other victory box, except that one from Antharas (Advanced victory box)? :)

    I know you wanted to address this urgently, but hey, pls double check it if it is ok, before going live!

    Also what will be the compensation for the players who received the bad rewards? To be fair, it shoud be unopened box with the correct rewards. 
    Thanks for solving this matter correctly and in a fair manner!


    guys from my experience of opening boxes, adventurer berserker scrolls in advanced mini game is the white assassin scrolls

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Juji said:

    The Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-grade) was the original item that we had listed with the Aden's Greater Treasure Chest rewards. It has the same drop chance as the Agathion Soulstone (value is roughly 10,000,000 Adena) that was incorrectly added to the chest rewards.

    When I looked at the chances to obtain the Stable/Advanced Stable A-grade Enchant Scrolls from the same chest, the drop chances were actually higher than the normal scroll as Dev set the Adena value on the high-grade versions lower than normal. The quantity of the Stable Scroll Enchant Weapon (A-grade) on the server is now almost as high as the normal scroll since the event started.


    so me getting them instead of advanced scroll was not luck but bad luck oh gosh :D
    another question is s grade armor paks and weapon paks, s armor paks seems to be dropping left and right
    weapons on other hand i havent seen any new weapon in market

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