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Posts posted by ProDigY

  1. On 5/22/2020 at 4:24 PM, n0nserviam said:

    Omg you are right totally forgot krishna weapons existed 9 years ago (lol?)

    Stop behaving like a child. Unless you are one. Your title specifically states Buster+Sigil Or Retri? Finally End Of Debate.

    You're fully aware that I wasn't referring to Krishna weapons existing 9 years ago.


  2. 3 minutes ago, lAeolos said:

    Useless post... Because that same thing happends to me in reverse, I use the war declaration not to steal spot but to keep it

    For example: I have a spot and a guy pks me hoping im afk and dont notice and takes my spot, I ress myself and pk him back, if he tries or does it again I send war declaration, and because i dont mind to open war I use that tactic, however probably the guy who pked me isn´t the clan leader or is in a pve clan, probabilities are that he won´t mess with me again, if he continues for example pking me with another character or leaving clan I hunt his clan members and open war with some afk I find and start hunting them, that way the clan leader probably will mail me asking what happened, and most of the times he says that wont happend again. On the contrary i think the game should be even more clan war friendly, too many pve ppl for my taste... And let me tell you, This has happened to me a LOT of times.

    You've just validated the original poster's concern about how this flawed war feature is being exploited.

  3. 12 minutes ago, n0nserviam said:

    Since the new krishna weapons were introduced many of us had the question whats the best weapon for feohs : krishna buster+enchanted leviathan sigil or krishna retri ( krishna caster obviously is the weakest). Korea is giving us answer on their final update as they enable the use of sigil also with two handed weapons. Time to exchange your busters to retris on next libra. Post from official korean server link below ( used google translator) https://lineage2.plaync.com/board/l2awknupdate/view?articleId=184234&viewMode=list&size=20


    This debate was over since 2011.

  4. 7 hours ago, Overlord2 said:

    my class is warriors and carry Dualsword (R-grade)

    "Warriors" is not a class. Do you mean Tyrr Gladiator? Your name is "Overlord". I'm suspecting that you're playing an Iss Dominator. In whatever the case may be, do you have over 300 total attack attribute?

    Check your Character status window to properly determine your class. Also check your passives tab in your Skills window & find your weapon passives descriptions located under the Occupation Skills section. Weapon passives describe which weapons you should be using.

  5. 9 hours ago, Edwins said:

    i was looking passive at the summ and it says 2h blunt.. both 2h tauti and dual are 2h blunt weapon so which one is for summ?

    thank you

    Summoners are mages. The ideal weapons for summoners are 2-handed staff weapons. The best inexpensive weapon is currently the Enhanced Shadow Retributer.

    Although, the 2-handed Tauti is a nice affordable substitute. Tauti duals are just that... duals not 2-handed.


  6. 1 hour ago, ProDigY said:

    Spectral Lords used to have Skill 1155 16.jpgCorpse Burst. It was a powerful skill. I was clearing rooms in Catacombs & Necropolises with just one or two shots. The Nephilim were weak to the skill. I'm asking for them to give the skill back.

    Banshee Queens have arrow type attacks. It would make since to give them a skill that behaves like Skill 10771 1.jpgMultple Arrow or Skill 10772 1.jpgArrow Rain. Why not give AoE attacks to Banshees? Soulless have a similar AoE magic attack which covers the same distance but they are obsolete at Lv.101+.

    Dark Crusaders have dagger type attacks. So similarly it would make since to give them Skill 10513 1.jpgBarrage of Nails. Skill 1155 16.jpgCorpse Burst could be given to Dark Crusaders &/or Banshee Queens because they're also demons like Spectral Lords.

    So yeah. We can just agree to disagree...

    Also, Spectral Masters used to have Lightning Strike. It was from a cubic but I see no reason to not have Skill 10094 1.jpgMass Lightning Strike for the new tank servitor.

  7. 8 hours ago, Rodah said:

    Wait what?  You literally asked for skills "similar to" Corpse Burst, Multiple Arrow, Heavy Arrow Rain, and Mass Lightning Strike???  I guess we can just agree to disagree.

    Spectral Lords used to have Skill 1155 16.jpgCorpse Burst. It was a powerful skill. I was clearing rooms in Catacombs & Necropolises with just one or two shots. The Nephilim were weak to the skill. I'm asking for them to give the skill back.

    Banshee Queens have arrow type attacks. It would make since to give them a skill that behaves like Skill 10771 1.jpgMultple Arrow or Skill 10772 1.jpgArrow Rain. Why not give AoE attacks to Banshees? Soulless have a similar AoE magic attack which covers the same distance but they are obsolete at Lv.101+.

    Dark Crusaders have dagger type attacks. So similarly it would make since to give them Skill 10513 1.jpgBarrage of Nails. Skill 1155 16.jpgCorpse Burst could be given to Dark Crusaders &/or Banshee Queens because they're also demons like Spectral Lords.

    So yeah. We can just agree to disagree...

  8. 18 hours ago, Rodah said:

    As a long time Maestro I feel your pain, I really do.  I had to switch classes to level up and then switch back when I reached a plateau. 

    Having said that....... your not asking for AOE capabilities (for the most part), you're asking for RANGED AOE abilities.  I'm not really sure the class has ever been designed for that (except classic ES).  Yes, it would be nice if you had some limited AOE abilities but... Wynns are "supposed" to be kings of solo XP right?  If anything, your single target DPS should be boosted to the point where you can hunt pinks and reds.  



    Nope. I'm asking for AoE skills. Summoners used to have AoE capabilities. Like I said before in my original post. But then, for some reason, they were taken away.

  9. 19 hours ago, Quenia said:


    I used to be a Summoner addict myself (started playing the class a bit bfr god introduced 2008/9) it is one of the most challenging classes that needs good coordination and game mechanics knowledge. Now is undoubtedly the worst class to play (even maestro got fixed) .

    i understand your frustration (apart from SM all wynns are trashed), realistically there is nothing to be done, neither from Juji nor from any1 else in NCW as game balance is only kor Devs responsibility.

    I have written blocks of text concerning wynn, tried to help many wynns and make suggestions concerning the class like this f.e.


    ... But i got tired of fighting and w8ing...

    All in all i suggest you to accept the status quo and move on, so you can enjoy the game. I did the same thing with great difficulty and experienced the imbalanced state of the game.

    L2 is NOT balanced and Wynn is definitely a dead class (at least outside oly) ... I hope it wasn't but it is and from the upcoming updates i do not see any great improvement.

    Best regards,


    Ps: I mean no offense, just a suggestion!

    Nah.... I will never accept the status quo. Never in a video game or IRL. Not an option for me. Throughout 17 years of playing this game, I've seen classes get neglected & nerfed but then boosted later to OP status. This is why I'm asking @Juji, @Hime & @Cyan to bring this up to the Devs. Just like other classes in this game's past, the summoner class, too, can be reincarnated. 

    For now, summoners are only missing their usefulness in party settings & lacking significant AoE damage. The Devs could bring back Mass Summon Phantom CubicMass Summon Phantom Cubics & give the newer servitors AoE skills. For examples: Dark Crusaders could use something similar to Skill 1155 16.jpgCorpse Burst &/or a Skill 10513 1.jpgBarrage of Nails type skill. Banshee Queens could be given a skill similar to the Yul's Skill 10771 1.jpgMultiple Arrows &/or Skill 10772 1.jpgHeavy Arrow Rain. Another servitor that operates like a tank with a shield would be cool too. It could be something similar to the Nightshade with a Skill 10027 1.jpgSuperior Aggression Aura & Skill 10094 1.jpgMass Lightning Strike Skill but equipped with a shield & cutter. 

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  10. I've been playing L2 since 2003 Beta. Trying to navigate the game in Korean was hard but I liked the challenge. I've always loved summoners; especially the Phantom Summoner/Spectral Master. Even though it became my first subclass because my first attraction was how powerful Spellhowler/Storm Screamers were. I was so excited to be able to not have to play 2 totally different toons in order to enjoy the game when subclasses were added to the game.

    But now, the summoner classes don't have the same effectiveness as before. They've been reduced to afterthoughts. They used to be a dominant force in both mass PVE & PVP. Now they're not even a dominant force in everyday mass PVE.

    For an example: Spectral Masters have no significant AoE damage. We were given 6 summon points for 3 servitors (which was fun) after only having one servitor for all of these years. Then that was taken away by reducing the number to 2 servitors (stop teasing us!). I guess to reduce server lag. Ok... I get that. We were given AoE debuffs with the Demonic Crucifix & Death Gate  (which are very useful) but then you make Spectral Lords & Soulless obsolete by not allowing us to continue upgrading them & introduce Banshee Queens & Dark Crusaders. By doing so, you've removed our options to use the Spectral Lord's Corpse Burst, Soulless Parasite Burst & its AoE attack. Invoke is an OK skill but it's lacking; it needs to be supplemented with servitor AoE damage.

    I refuse to change my dual Spectral Master to another class because I'm holding on to a dream. I'm hoping NCsoft would return the summoner class to it's original glory. I know I'm not the only player who feels this way.

    @Juji, @Hime & @Cyan. Could you please suggest this issue to the Devs? I think the L2 community would be excited to see all of the summoner classes being useful again. As of right now, they're boring to play. Compared to how we've enjoyed them in the past. 

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