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Posts posted by OmenOfSteel_Naia

  1. Just yesterday I did dailies 110 with a YUL with gear comparable to mine. Not 1:1 identical, but closely comparabe. He is 1 lvl above me.

    His DPS exceeds mine approx. 5x  or 10x.

    Difference is huge!

    • Like 1
  2. Okay okay, this may come as a surprise, but this time I have to say:



    - Server/lag still not perfect, but its obvious you're working on it and it already improves a lot (on some days, some other days still meh).

    - XP event was great, bonus settings were great, extra XP week is great, the free boots are as compensation are very welcome, the VIT 7 Day rune is very good.

    I havent said this in a long time. WELL DONE, NCW !

    PS: I enjoy doing "thank you" posts much more than complaining. And the chance for another perma-ban for me is also much lower. Win/Win, keep this pace!

    PPS: Still few wishes are left of course:
    1) ban bots (Greedy Chests, farm bots, auto rezz bots, auto BSOE bots, PVP helpers)
    2) If you bring any re-accuring events, like the current artifacts: Lower prices! Each time any promo hits the store again, price should be lowered. Close the gear gab step by step.
    3) Lower all Store prices in general to better compete with Euro-Servers and bring back more players while at the same time lowering the need for everyone to have multiple farm chars.
    4) change Greedy Chest mechanic. Chest should spawn as a quest mob after killing a regular mob. I know the contra (less control over influx on the market). The pro outweights it easily.


  3. 40 minutes ago, Slycutter said:

    I could have a dragon bow and top gear but no way im killing a mage 3 levels above me and breaking their "mana" barrier in 1 hit.  Just stop

    Clueless. Levels mean nothing in PVP, they only matter (a lot) for PVE.
    Yes, you can easy break the mana barrier of that 3 lvl higher Feoh with one hit as top geared archer.

    On topic:
    In my opinion game balance is quite nice. Yes YUL are strongest class to farm adena and a more serious nerf would be welcome. In PVP almost any class can be really strong if top geared.

    Biggest issue we have is simply the huuuuge gear gap. Too many too expensive items that only a handful of players on each server wants to afford/can afford.
    NCW throwing always new items in the store, and the old items remain on same (too high) prices.
    They should lower the NC Coin price for each re-accuring L2 Store Promo by 30% if the items is offered for a 2nd time, 60% cheaper if offered a 3rd time.
    This way ppl that buy on first occassion have a long time (6-12 months usually) to be aheard, but later the majority of players will have a chance to catch up.

    The smaller the gab is the more ppl will PVP, go Siege, enjoy Oly.

    Currently a TOP geared player is able to destroy a complete clan of medium geared ppl - thats not good for L2.

    On the other hand: Its good for NCW cos someone of that medium geared clan that got butchered might be emo enough to spend big $$$ in hope to do the same next time (most won't of course, and will just quit in dissapointment when they realize there is no bottom to this pit that is called L2 Store).

    Sorry for wall of text, pointless to type this anyway.

    In the end it's easy: If you enjoy the game, play it, whichever way you deem right for yourself. Spend lots, spend average, spend nothing, whatever.
    If you don't enjoy the game, stop it and search another one.

    In a few months most countries will have the worst corona-time behind them and the lockdowns will hopefully be just a thing of the past. Good time to play less and enjoy RL again more :)

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  4. Those Treasure Chests are a great addition to the game!

    Soon Lv5 or Lv6 Jewels will be affordable by (almost) every player and that will lower the gear gab at least a little bit and it will also boost PVE farming.
    Hell I can imagine it will even motivate players to come back and play on official servers.

    I remember a few years ago there was an official survey about what is most important for players, and if I remember correctly on top of the list was "items keeping their value".
    However, these new chests should really please a big majority of your players. Exception will be top players who already had 6x Lv6 Jewels and even more ppl that just recently spent on the last Brooch Jewel Event a few weeks ago, for those it is a slap right in the face they must feel scammed/cheated and I feel sorry for them.

    One last thing:
    In the less populated regions on NAIA (Dragon Valley, Fafurion, Wasteland etc.) there are lots of boxes of well "players" standing all over the map. On Discord @Juji said you're gonna monitor 3rd party programs used in order to get ahead on finding chests. Go for it Juji !

    Again, big thanks, great change!

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, OneDayDelete said:

    xDxDxD You're lying.

    Just wow...

    You obviously are to silly to play L2, but you're good at blaming others for your own incompetence.

    I even gave you two advices that would dry up all your desparate tears and in return you call my a liar.

    L2 isnt the game for you, give it up. Sorry but you're simply to dumb :)

    • Haha 1
  6. On 25.1.2020 at 3:16 PM, OneDayDelete said:

    Just sold mats to the store from a weeks worth of farming. 14 million adena to turn around and buy 10mil in spirit ore just so I can buff warriors and bison for a week. WOOT WOOT! 4mil adena profit in a week. At that rate I'll be able to buy 1 item worth 28 billion in 7000 weeks which equates to 19 years!!! LoL! That's seriously what the math breaks down to.

    Hummm and why didnt you just use those items w/the purpose they were meant to be used?  I crafted 1 item with new crafting system, zero cost, item worth 5bil+ (on Naia).

    And about cost for Spirit ore: I think you are a tank, why don't you just go timed zone with a good DD ?

  7. 8 hours ago, mixa said:

    The only thing that I don't understand is how they have managed to remove every possible full drop from mobs. Okay you're able to craft stuff with the mats you get, but no drops at all is very lame.


    While hunting you get Treasure Boxes, similar to those old Elite-Mobs Boxes. These can give full items (armor/weap) at a low chance. A clannie of mine who did not have tons of boxes got already to R99 Armor parts.

    I did open around 50 - 60 of such boxes so far, only go 70k adena/GemR. But the chance to get drops is there.

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